
Monday, May 21, 2012

Happenings on the Emerald Path

A news and announcements section of what Realms players are doing outside of the Realms. If you know of any news feel free to let us know at

NOTE- I had intended to publish this Friday but made a scheduling error which allowed me to update the article to include a special congratulations to Jennifer "Areni" and Jason "Aeston" Rosa who were married on Saturday, May 19.

Kyle "Kaz" Brenner's work at an international software development company provides opportunities to explore the world, as they hold in person bi-annual meetings.  Two years ago he went to Germany and this April, Japan.  After a week of meetings he, accompanied by his wife, spent a week touring Kyoto (they were fortunate to catch the Cherry Blossoms in full bloom, too). Kyoto is known for its beautiful temples, shrines, gardens, and country-side.

Congratulations to Karen "Brynn" Veale and Jared "Mckrye" Buzby.  In addition to dressing up in funny clothes and hitting people with foam weapons in the Realms, they also dress up in authentic period costuming and hit people with rattan weapons in the SCA.  They recently traveled to Nova Scotia where Jarrod's persona won the Crown Tournament and as Edward Grey and Princess Thrya Eiriksdottir they were crowned Prince and Princess of the East Kingdom. 

Congratulations to Jerememy "Boom" Monmany.  His sexy new hair cut isn't just a fashion statement.  He just completed US Army basic training in at Fort Leonard Wood in Missouri. Thank you for your service.

Happy Birthday!!
Rosemary "Roselynne" Campbell 5/18                                   Darrell "Dalamar" Gray 5/21    
Fenris "Tak" Emrys 5/24                                                            Kyle "Killian" Yazinka 5/30

(If you know of others occurring between 5/18-6/1 please wish them happy birthday in the comments.)