
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

10 Questions - Christopher "Jaha" Marques

Christopher "Jaha" Marques
Photo by Angela Earle Grey
How long have you been playing?
My first event was Capn' Bynkiey, Featuring the Irate Pirates in June of 2002. It's pretty hard to believe I have been going to events for a decade.  Before I hit my first event I also attended fight practices in Nashua (back at the old commuter parking lot site) for close to a year.
How has the game changed since you've been playing?
It has changed in quite a few ways.  First, as a community are more open minded about new construction materials.  When I first started playing pretty much anything deviating from duct tape and PVC was thought of as unsafe.  This persisted for a few years, until eventually people began to accept fiberglass regularly.  The same thing happened with bamboo over the last few years, but fiberglass certainly was the material that started the trend of trying new materials.  It was unfortunate that we took so long to get on board with these materials, as it put us way behind other high combat games in terms of weapons technology.
Another major change has been the community aspect of the game.  When I first started playing, the Realms in general didn't seem like a very friendly place.  There were social cliques and many groups did not get along, nor were willing to help each other out.  As the years have gone on, people definitely seem more open to helping out all different nations and groups in the game, whether it be by NPCing, or showing up to a fight practice with people you may not know so well.  This has been a great development because the more people you know and friends you have in the game, the more likely you are to keep playing and have fun.
Some spells and other rules have changed (Theif path renamed to Assassin, one cost budowns etc.) but overall that portion of the game still seems very similar to when I started playing.
Who have you learned the most from?
This is an interesting question because most of what I've learned in the game I've learned indirectly.  Through watching Tom Johnson/Blade run Grimloch for many years I learned a lot about leadership and respect.   From Ben Grant/Rohde and Josh Learned/Shandar I've learned loads about combat, they've always had a fairly public rivalry;  but they have always been people that I measure myself against when it comes to fighting.   Honestly the group and culture of Grimloch in general has taught me so much that bleeds over into real life.  It is what motivates me to do better in every facet of my life whether it is my career, personal fitness, fight practice, or striving to constantly learn new things and make myself more well rounded.  Grimloch has made me a better person.
What was your best moment IC?
There are a couple of moments that stand out.  The first was winning the original Best of the Best tournament alongside Blade in 2007.  This was an important milestone for me because it was the beginning of my first season as a fighter after having been a rogue since  my second or third year.  It proved to me that I could make the transition well and compete with the top fighters in the game.
Another was during the Queen's War at QoH in 2006.  I was the queen of our team and we had gotten off to a very bad start.  At a certain point, it was only Rillan and myself still standing.  I went undefeated in the Queen's War and helped bring our team back from elimination to win the tournament and event.  What made this important to me was that I was a fairly under the radar competitor back then, and people were completely shocked that I could do so well.  People really began to take me seriously as a competitor after this event.
Other major moments include being promoted to First Warrior, Warmark, and Warlord of Grimloch over the course of the last five years.  Being responsible and leading a group of people that I am very close with and have done a lot for me over the years is a huge honor.
Photo by Tanja Johnson
What was your best moment as a NPC/EH/Player?
By far my best momement as an EH or Player was throwing the Order of the List invitational back in November of 2011.  It was the culmination of years of work, and I couldn't have been more impressed with how the event went.  The competitors, spectators, and my fellow Order of the List members made it so worth all of the work and stress leading up to it.  I am very excited to see who comes out on top in season two.
We did a nightquest at the second Grimloch Questing event where we blindfolded all of the players and scattered them across Abe's Land.  We also put up these little tripwire sound traps all over the paths that would cause a horde of zombies to flock to the sound.  This was combined with fireworks going off everywhere.  People were freaking out and it was great to give people a real thrill.  One of the funniest moments was after the nightquest when Abe told us even he got a little lost.
What would you like to see changed or developed more in game?
I would like to see marshalling developed more in game.  It would be awesome to see some kind of qualification process, because I think many events suffer from an inexperienced or unqualified marshalling staff.  I don't think it should be limited to tournament events either, one of the most frustrating parts of questing for me is that players have no accountability to call their shots correctly.
What advice would you give new players?
Set a goal and do your best to try and complete it.  My goal from the first time I picked up my heavy wall PVC, spiral wrapped, double sided, 4'4"  battleaxe (having an omnibus would've been helpful) was to be the best fighter.  I haven't accomplished that goal yet, but it has kept me motivated and I've had tons of fun along the way.  Maybe your goal is to slay some big bad guy, or collect a million magic items.  Just pick a goal and get crackin'.
What do you love most about the game?
I love the combat.  I am definitely a stick-jock, but the community is what I appreciate the most.  I've made more friends in this game than I can count or probably even remember.  I spend more time with people from the game than I do my own family.  Going to Creathorne or other big events throughout the year is exciting for the big fights, but also because it is like a family reunion with people I don't get to see very often.
Who would you like to see the next interview be with?
Kyle Yazinka/Killian
Anything else you'd like to take the opportunity to put into print?
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