
Friday, August 10, 2012

Fresh Faces- Cody "Kirk" Garcia

Photo by Dustin Mack (Cody is in the blue tabbard on the left)
How did you learn about Realms? 
I am part of a venture crew(which is part of the boy scouts), and I had missed a meeting. So the next week I went to my venture crew meeting and Becky Garbos (who is the crew advisor) had brought Seamus Packer in, and he brought with him a bunch of boffer weapons. I had known about LARPing but after being told the basic rules and taught how to take hits me and my friends in the crew started fighting. Instantly I was amazed at how much fun it was.

How many events have you been to?
I have been to 7 events, and have PC'ed some and NPC'ed some. The ones I've been to are Childrak's Secret Lab, TOC19, Convergences 2012, N/S War 2012, Adventure 2, Last return to Mythdrannor, and Blackwood Tournaments

Have you ever LARP’ed before?  If so tell us about it? 
I had never LARP'ed before in my life, but I am a fan of RPG games and table tops like DnD

What is your character like?  Where are they from? What is their race? What is important to them? 
My characters name is Kirk Mezgraf, and he is a Half-Giant from The Fomorian Tribe in the far north. You wouldn't know he was half giant from the way he looks. he has a normal sized human body but he is as strong and clumsy as a giant. When he was only 16 his village was attacked by an ancient dragon that had been sleeping for hundreds of years. While helping fight it he tripped and smashed his head on a rock. When he came to there were two strangers standing next to him, Vesper a Half-Wood elf and David a human. After looking around and finding nothingd but dead bodies he decided it was time to leave and venture off with his new companions. He traveled for 2 years before stumbling upon the Realms, and during those travels they met another know as Eamon. After venturing into the Realms the 4 friends camp where ever they can and travel around a lot, visiting tournaments and helping other people on their quests. Some now know us as the blue-shirts, but what is important to Kirk is his friends, loyalty, and becoming a stronger better fighter.

What do you remember most about your first event?
 My first event was Childrak's Secret Lab and i remember most dying a lot hahahaha. Being a fighter with no armor and never had been to a practice I was bad. I was lucky to have so many people heal my limbs and raise me. even with all the dying i had such a good time with all the NPC's and traps it was a great event. I had to leave before the end, but I didn't know any of what was going on or the plot at all. I basically killed whatever i was told to and did whatever i was told to do. Still had a blast though.

What things have helped to make you feel welcome in game?
All the friendly people who play, and a lot of people in Blackwood and Creathorne who helped me when I went questing my first couple of times. The newbie grand prix at TOC19 really helped me meet new people when we did the scavenger hunt and observation parts. The great event holders also whether I NPC'ed or PC'ed they understood I was new and helped with any questions I had. Which at times were a lot and there is still stuff I probably don't know. All the people at fight practice who helped teach me how to call shots better and increase my weapon skill.

What parts of the game do you find most challenging?
At the moment I find having no armor challenging. Like when I am questing it is hard to be a fighter and have no armor. There are kind healers that raise me when they can but they cannot get to me sometimes or I am in a situation where its like 2 or 3 enemies versus me, and I would probably last longer had I armor. Another thing though not really challenging but a bit hard is remembering so many names. I will eventually learn them though.

Do you have any game related goals (as either a player or character)?
As a player my goal is to become a better fighter and go to a 24 hour live event like the event Last return to Mythdrannor event I NPC'ed. As a character my goal is to slay as many dragons as possible and eventually avenge my tribe.

Photo by Dustin Mack
What advice would you give other new players?
If you have a question about anything don't be afraid to ask it because at one point or another every was a newbie and did not know things.

What have you enjoyed most about the game so far?
All of the friends I have made and all of the fun I have had at event I have gone to

 Anything else you'd like to take the opportunity to put into print?

I would love to see more 24 hour live events like the event Last return to Mythdrannor. I NPC'ed it and after being on the NPC side I want to try it on the PC side.