
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Why I Want to Go- Feast of Folkestone XIII

Feast of Folkestone XIII
August 31, 2012 (Friday 7pm) - September 1, 2012 (Saturday 1:30am)

[Disclaimer: The author of this post is on staff.]

Last years winner for Best Feast is going at it again this year. Along with more great food, there will be the old standbys of the casino, fighting arena and, of course, the auction. Bear in mind that the auction uses Realms currency, so make sure you bring what you've got! This event is excellent for hanging out and socializing, but you also get to do things and be entertained for those who normally don't like feasts. As per last year, the best decorated table gets first crack at the dessert table so show some nation pride and dress your table to impress; will anyone beat last year's winner, Blackwood?

The feast hall has a wonderful rustic feel to it, which helps with the immersion. This event also is a the kick-off for a full 4 days of eventing on the same site, with Folkestone Questing stating there the next day. This is a good way to start a weekend of getting away from the real-world and living in the Realms!