
Thursday, September 6, 2012

Forgotten Fields by Diana "Kiira" LaPierre

Lush and long my grass is grown
Hiding secrets that once were known
Soft rolling hills mask and betray
The happenings of a long lost day

Dawning was the morning sun
The time the battle had begun
It's warming rays I felt had spread
As the first man had fallen dead

The arrow that had pierced his breast
Loosed from a bow before the rest
The hush and silence was then broken
By calls of charge loudly spoken

The trampling of their armored feet
As though it was my own heart beat
Raced upon my once virgin skin
To see which cause was right to win

Long after the sides had embarked
Steel on steel, their weapons sparked
Pikes and blades stabbed through their sides
Battle calls and Death abides

The blood had pooled upon my land
And I took it in like a beggar's hand
It's taste still fresh within my mind
A memory I'd wished to leave behind

The sun along his fated path
Shone his light upon their wrath
From dawn 'till dusk, the fight did rage
A gory scene, my land its stage

The reaper sowed my fields that day
With blood and death to my dismay
For what they fought, I cannot say
Nor can any alive this day

Centuries have come to pass
And now the blades are those of grass
The others hiding far beneath
My earth, now their eternal sheath

Shafts of arrows are now decayed
Helms and arms unfit to be displayed
Deeply entrenched, laying in silence
Aware of their part in past violence

Though no scars can show my pain
The echoes of their loss remain
My bitter secret I cannot bestow
And none who look on me shall know