
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Meet the Merchants- Grimloch Gear

This is the start of a short series highlighting the merchants of the Realms.  We ask a few questions of those members in the Realms that sell goods at events. This series will be running over the next few weeks on Wednesdays, so be sure to check out what great products these people put out for the Realms. If we have not already contacted you about your own shop let us know and we'll add your shop into the schedule. We would also like to thank Katie "Effa" Smith for helping us with the questions.

What is your shop called, and who runs it?
Grimloch Gear! It’s a joint effort on the part of Shandar, Kiira, Guilliam and I. Shandar and Kiira run the weaponsmaking side of things, and Guilliam and I take care of leatherworking and other sundries. Members of the country of Grimloch also pitch in from time-to-time, either by helping man the shop, or by providing
materials and skilled labor.

What do you sell?
Our shop focuses mainly on martial supplies, such as armor, weapons, and combative or supportive casting equipment. Grimloch Gear also offers lightly-used pre-owned garb.

What are your preferred currencies?
We accept both green and all currently backed golds, though we take Grimloch Gold at a 2 gold to 1 green rate, instead of the usual 4 gold to 1 green (realms standard exchange rate). The worth of certain varieties of currently backed golds (such as Coin of the Realms, or the Vanguard) is up to the discretion of the shopkeeper.

Where can an adventurer find your wares?
Grimloch Gear vends at a few feasting & tourney events every year, and we are always reachable through either email, or by speaking to us via FaceBook, where we run a “Grimloch Gear” group. The next two events we are certain to be at are Leviathan and Tournaments of Creathorne.

What makes your wares super awesome?
Our weaponsmakers, Shandar and Kiira, are both fantastically skilled foamsmiths. Shandar makes some of the lightest swords I have ever touched, and Kiira’s marns,shields, and decorative foamsmithing abilities make her creations useful and practical works of art. Of our leathworkers; Guilliam has won many armoring tournaments, and his leatherworking abilities are something to be admired. I’m fun at parties. Grimloch Gear offers an accessible way for newer and older adventurers to keep up with the constantly evolving weaponry and arms at a reasonable price, as well as offering specially tailored caster gear that is designed with realms combat and spell-system in mind.

Anything else?
Grimloch Gear offers new-player discounts for some merchandise, as well as lessons on armor making (just contact Sir Guilliam!)

-Effa Mactyr & The Staff of Grimloch Gear