
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Why I Want to Go- The Western Frontier

The Western Frontier: The Knights of the Sable Dragon Present Arisia 2013
January 20, 2013 (Sunday 10am) - January 20, 2013 (Sunday 4pm)

This annual event is running concurrent with Arisia, a science fiction and fantasy convention. This event is meant to highlight the Realms in a more visible venue, a way to outreach to those outside our community. You can go to help out by showing how we do things, either by playing your character or by helping to NPC for the event. Either way this is an excellent opportunity to show off the Realms. Also, you could make this a geek weekend by attending the convention on Saturday and capping it off with the event on Sunday.

Since this event is being run at the convention there are a few changes from the norm. The cost of the event is factored into the cost of the convention; you pay to attend the convention instead of paying to attend the event. Also, no bows or anything over 5' is allowed due to room constraints.