
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Why I Want to Go- The Dragon's Den II

The Dragon's Den II: From the Ashes
March 17, 2013 (Sunday 3pm) - March 17, 2013 (Sunday 9pm)

Here we have a new questing event. While it is billed as sequel, and not many people were able to see it, this event will stand on its own feet. In it the player characters are charged with investigating an area that was the site of a battle with a dragon. The dragon was driven back into a cave gravely injured...and now some time later menacing sounds can be heard coming from the cave. Will the dragon reappear? What are the strange creatures seen in the vicinity? Will heroes be able to stop this potential danger?

This in-door event is capped, so make sure to see if there are still slots available on realmsnet (though there is likely to be plenty of room for more NPCs). In addition there is a new game mechanic, Willpower, that can allow for various affects to occur upon your PC; make sure to check the event write-up to get a better understanding of this mechanic. Due to the constraints of the site, no weapons over 5' are allowed. Note the unusual start time of 3pm; also the site does not open until 2pm, so don't get there too early..