
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

10 Question - John "Tallon" Berrini

John "Tallon" Berrini

How long have you been playing?
My first Realms event was North/South War 1996.
I was 15 years old. Bob Hayes (Drake) took me to my first event, Tom Johnson (Blade) had introduced him to Realms a few months earlier. We were all going to Sanborn High (not far from Lone Tree) in Kingston at the time. Niko of Folkestone’s father was our principal and we used to attend Folkestone practice at UNH religiously.

How has the game changed since you've been playing?
There has been more of a shift from role-playing to a competition atmosphere. As a teen-ager I remember people like Bob Traynor (Morgil) and Nate Carr (Aelias) casting interventions with a good amount of theatrics. We had less spells and more mandated guilds. Half-couch weapons brandished by orcs and goblins have been replaced with the lighter and faster creations of talented artists. The last few events I've been to seem to focus more on out doing someone else rather than assuming a role. When I say "more of a shift" I mean, I did pioneer personalized IG baseball caps; something I wouldn't do now. I don't think I'd ever wear the Tom-Brady-wrist-spell-book.

The rules have changed a bit. When I first started, I was a "rogue" with a 4'6" 1-point of armor and 9 spells, including Magic Missile, Repair Item and Heal Limb.

Most of these changes are a good thing. Realms, with the "owners" being comprised of active players (Event holder) keeps the game current and focused on the demographic of those who are involved. This is a dynamic that is unique to Realms and while it doesn't cater to consistency over decades it does guarantee its perpetuity.  

Who have you learned the most from?
Over the years I've found myself looking up to Jason Rosa (Aeston) quite a bit. Here's a guy who has been around forever, hard working, intelligent and with a solid moral compass. He runs one of the longest standing tourney events and is a KOEF. I've enjoyed Jason’s questing events and held them as a standard, and maybe repackaged a few ideas for my own events. I even tried to recruit him into Neden once. I've always wanted to give back to the game and watching Jason host EH meetings and practices at WPI has set a good example. Jason makes me want to be a better participant.
I also want to give credit to Tom & Tanja Johnson, Jeremy Grayson, PJ, Andy Disbrow, Kelly Bonci and even though we didn't always get along, Jerrod Marshall.

What was your best moment IC?
Feast of Rhiassa IX. Tallon entered the feast under guard as a criminal for fallout of a Folkestone vs Neden skirmish at Feast of Leviathan (several nominations for "The View" plotline of the year). I was scheduled to fight Pyr to settle my guilt or innocence. I was sitting with all the Neden guys when I was approached and told that Pyr would have someone fight in his stead, he was too important as a King to risk his life in battle. I was given the chance to appoint a champion as well. My response was "I'll fight my own battles. Thank you" and received with applause from the rest of my group. I went on to beat Owen, a fight I thought I'd lose. After a friendly pie-in-the-face exchange with Da'oud I was asked to sit at the head table and judge the bardic, sitting where Jarrod, Duncan, Blade and the like were. From prisoner to Nobility in a matter of hours.

What was your best moment as a NPC/EH/Player?
2001-2003 was an awesome time. Neden got huge. Rednut came back from FL and we added Boom, Rawlin and Bean. Then Siffy, Cronis, Celtrex and Gabriel the silver dragon.  Then at QOH we added the Crystal Hall guys, Sabboth, Very, Jules, Dith; then the Drow Blacky and Gary, and Crow shortly after followed by Addarock. I probably forgot a few. I wished we had picked up the "Rogue Squadron" but they ended up being the corner stone to the founding of Grimloch. I loved playing with all these guys.
I was running "The View From Valehaven" and the short lived Realms chat room. We had the shortest turnaround time between the EH meeting and the printing of the Omnibus. There was an event EVERY WEEKEND. Some weekends we even hit two. I hit more than 50 events each year and I remember one weekend in the summer of 2002 there was no event. Damien and I were sharing an apartment in Somersworth and had no idea what we were going to do that weekend. Between school, events and fight practice we were making weapons, planning our next event, or sewing tabards.
There were three events we walked away with three new magic items at. So many that out of the 200+ on the list at the time we had 20%. Then in 2003, I think, we came in second place in the war tourney at Creathorne, we expected to lose to Folkestone, but were excited that they were concerned about the fight. Outside of tournaments we were a power house of questing.
I have so many stories from these years that I should write a book. This interview has brought back a lot of old memories and I want to thank Dave for doing it. We had a lot of good memories.

What would you like to see changed or developed more in game?
I would love to see more epic role-playing plot lines and questing events.

I've thrown the idea around about running cross-event sub plot. One person could run a race/plot with a continuous plot at different events. They would maintain props and costumes as well. Feel free to use this idea.
I'd like to see Realms adopt a minimum garb standard, even if it starts out as "no blue jeans".

What advice would you give new players?
1. Bring lots of socks. Winterfest 2 I was 17 years old and didn't care. My feet got wet and I drove on. 15 years later the frostbite from that event still makes my feet ache.

2. Wear boots with Ankle support.
If you can't shell out $1200 for the awesome, period leather boots, get some black military boots. You can find them for $60-80 online. They look better than sneakers and give you the support you need. If you are still concerned about how period they look, ask around. Someone will have an old pair of the standard Minnetonka moccasin boots that you can put over your regular boots like Jerrod does.

3. Some form of knee protection.
Ask an oldbee how their knees are.

4. Camp out - set up a tent.
Especially if you're on the younger side. It might be a pain, but your tent adds to the atmosphere of the event and your experience. It will also help you to stay in the moment of suspended reality.

What do you love most about the game?
The diversity of the game. We have seen plots from Tolkien to Zelda and originals from Death Bunnies to Bedlam. Realms has something for everyone. If you like the physical/sports aspect we have tourneys, if you like role-playing there are questing events. All mixed in with the company of long-held friends. 

Who would you like to see the next interview be with?
Cal - Syruss 

Anything else you'd like to take the opportunity to put into print?
The years I was active were some of my favorite times to date. I've met my closest friends at Realms and made life-long bonds. I was not the strongest leader in the game and there are things I would have done different. I'm glad I stepped back when I did and that my entourage found strong leadership and flourished with Grimloch. Realms did set me up to be a strong leader in the US army, shameless plug for my recruiter Henry Giasson (Venom, Guilliam), and many connections as a Real Estate agent now that I'm getting out. I hope to return soon and give back to a game that has given me so much.