
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Why I Want to Go- The Invasion of Fern Grove

The Invasion of Fern Grove: A Shades Event
April 14, 2013 (Sunday 12pm) - April 14, 2013 (Sunday 6pm)

[Disclaimer: The author of this article is the Event-holder for the event.]

This will be the best event evar! (Okay, maybe my bias is showing.) This is a quest/high combat/ event that adds another chapter to the Shades plotline. The characters have been asked to defend a city from attackers bent on capturing the place. This is a dungeon crawl type of event but with the twist that the walls, pits, etc can be moved and configured by the players. There will be more than enough for fighters to do, but casters and questers will have opportunities to do more than just defend a line.

This is a nice indoor site with plenty of room to accommodate any number of players and the dungeon set-up. For those looking for more inforamtion on the Shades plot they can check out this website...