
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Why I Want to Go- Tournaments of the Blue Rose VIII

Tournaments of the Blue Rose VIII: Master the Blade, Master Yourself
April 26, 2013 (Friday 6pm) - April 28, 2013 (Sunday 4pm)

The Order of the Blue Rose is the longest running knightly order within the Realms. This is their yearly event to determine who will be crowned Blademaster for the upcoming season. The event will span the entire weekend: Friday will feature a small nightquest followed by stories around the campfire. Saturday and Sunday will be full of tournaments. These tournaments will award Order of the List points. This year, alongside the fighter based tournaments, there will be a full series of tournaments for spellcasters. Similar to the Blademaster title, the winner of this exhaustive list of caster tournaments will be crowned High Mage. In addition, on Saturday night there will be a pig roast/bbq, followed by a light night quest, followed by a Black Rose Hold'em game for anyone wishing to participate or watch.

First off, both the Blademaster and High Mage tournaments will allow a character to swap to either fighter or caster for the purposes of participating in either of the tournaments for the weekend; you will have to make a choice between the two. As for the site itself, it is large enough to easily accommodate tournaments and questing. It is far enough away from other people so there is no fear of irritating the neighbors. This is a wet site, but please drink responsibly.