
Friday, July 12, 2013

10 Questions - Jesse "Mestoph" Gifford

Jesse "Mestoph" Gifford

How long have you been playing?
Photo by Angela Earle Gray
My first event was QoH 2, so it'll be 18 years this Summer.  Though given the sporadic nature of my involvement with the game, it often feels like a much shorter time.

How has the game changed since you've been playing?
The Game/Sport divide has grown, and there seem to be fewer and fewer people with an interest in bridging that divide.  Things have become easier across the board on both ends.  Spellcasters don't have nearly the restrictions they used to face in regards to learning spells or even the very nature of being a caster (I.E stealable/disenchantable spellbooks and foci, specific weapons they were allowed to use, etc.) and similarly weapon/armor technology has made being a fighter that much easier as well.  I don't really feel these are bad things because it allows people to focus more on the skills involved in their various fields, but every now and then the curmudgeon in me wishes some of the newer players knew how good they have it compared to way back when.

Who have you learned the most from?
This is a very difficult question for me.  I've never had a formal mentor, my early years in the game were spent living very far away from the base of the game, and even my squireship was not very traditional so in many ways I've had to learn a lot of things the hard way. .  Angela Gray has done her very best to encourage me to try things beyond my comfort zone (despite my best resistance to her efforts).  My roommate Jay/Graham has gotten me to think a lot more about the, "Why" of events.  Chris Marques and Josh Learned have shown that with enough hard work and dedication you can become a top fighter in the game without the natural gifts some people have and Henry Giasson proves that you can reach those levels even late in your Realms career.  Dave Dolph tried to teach me, but I gave up that opportunity (much to my great regret) and I'm currently hoping that I learn about the portion of the game I've been neglecting over the years from Ian Struckhoff.

What was your best moment IC?
Getting Knighted a Knight of the Blue Rose meant quite a bit to me as did getting voted into Folkestone all those Creathornes ago.  I've never been a very deep roleplayer, and most of my memorable moments are more related to fighting than being IC in any real fashion.

What was your best moment as a NPC/EH/Player?
My favorite personal moment was a N/S War back in '02 or '03.  They had split the teams into groups fighting each other with a specific weapon style (dagger vs. dagger, single short vs. single short, and so on) and no one from the North was fighting in the Florentine section.  Rather than surrendering the points without a fight I opted to take my 1 path combo (sword and dagger) and take the field against the three members of the South team.  They decided to give me one-on-one fights and I managed to make my way through to the third fight, but I was down an arm.  Luckily for me my opponent left one of his arms up just a bit too high and I managed to get an ace shot through that beat out his kill shot by a heart beat, all I heard was two quick impacts, him say, "Dead, don't take that.." and then the entire North line behind me exploded in cheers.
As an EH I need to echo what Cal said in his interview and say my favorite moment was seeing the Realms community come together at Tournies of the Blue Rose last year and support the fund raising effort we did for Jason Massey's wife and children.  It was a great idea on his part, and I'm proud of the work the group did on executing it.  I especially want to mention my gratitude for everyone who donated something, bought something, or even just showed up to the event.

Photo by Robyn C Nielsen
What would you like to see changed or developed more in game?
I like the current trend of continuity in the game and hope that continues.  I'd also like to see the two halves of the game come together more.  Both the sport and the game have great things to offer and by not trying to participate (or at least understand) the other aspect of the game you're missing out.  I really wish their were more events that were attended by a diverse selection of players.  Some groups are becoming more insular, and I feel like they're missing out.

What advice would you give new players?
Go to fight practices and learn how to fight, even if you're gonna be a 3 path.  It is virtually impossible to avoid the combat portion of the game and it is important for everyone to have a basic level of competency in combat.  Few things can be more frustrating to a player than to feel like the NPC they are facing is not a safe fighter.  Also taking your shots is a skill like any other and needs to be practiced.  No one will care if you're someone who dies all the time, many people will get mad if you're someone who develops a reputation for missing shots regularly.

What do you love most about the game?
The community.  I go to events as much to see and hang out with people as I do to actively participate in the game.

Who would you like to see the next interview be with?
My roommate Jay/Graham or the Realms most prolific grave robber Tucker/Tychus

Anything else you'd like to take the opportunity to put into print?
Even if you don't drink, don't be afraid to hang out at an event with drinking.  We rarely get as rowdy as we do at Creathorne/Min and it's a great opportunity to get to know people and hear some stories.