
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Why I Want to Go- Pressure Point

Pressure Point- Flashback
July 20, 2013 (Saturday 11am) - July 21, 2013 (Sunday 11am)
Event Type: Tournament

[Disclaimer: The author of this article is a member of the staff.]

This is a full 24 hour continuous tournament wherein everyone is divided into several 8man teams and then presented a series of team challenges that will test their fortitude, combat skills, and intelligence. It is playing your character and your skills to the maximum. There is no holding back, there is no second guessing. There is just you and your team doing some amazing things. It will be hard, but not impossible, and in the end you will be proud of yourself. There really is no other type of event like this one and, as a past participant, I heartily recommend it.

There is a player cap on this event so make sure you check with the staff to see if a spot is available. Such a spot may have opened up, so if you were waiting to get up the nerve to go and decide to try it, check first. As for the participants already signed up, the 11am start time is a hard start so it is recommended that you get there early as once the event starts you will not be able to leave or get anything else you may need.