
Friday, August 2, 2013

Huntress Practice by Jana "Jinx" Greene

Recently the Huntress Guild launched two initiatives related to practices. One is setting up occasional times when the Huntresses will invade an ongoing practice to have an opportunity to fight together. Another is having members track their attendance at practices and submit them to Dianna LaPierre who is posting weekly challenges in the Huntresses facebook group, and has generously offered to craft a weapon for the woman with the highest number of points after six months.

The following account is Jana "Jinx" Greene's account of her experience attending the first Huntress practice that occurred in July.

On the 9th I got to travel down to the Asnuntuck practice in Enfield, Ct to attend the Huntress practice. This was not a small hike, but Illy convinced me to go.  I was so glad that she did! My first Huntress practice was the impromptu morning one at the previous weekend’s event, though short, was a good warm up.  Tues though was a completely different experience.  It was all about the fighting.

It started with working with the girls and getting general tips.  From there they paired us off with people they thought were good fits on teaching one on one.  I was paired up with Rillan who I have to admit was perfect.  He answered and explained all my questions I had and even set me up later with someone else to learn a style I had never touched before.  I rotated through different kinds of weapon styles trying to learn all the fundamentals I could.  I was then able to showcase what I had learned when I showed up to my typical practice and build on what I had learned.  

Having the Huntresses around at practices I also found great because they actually give pointers and suggestions to help me improve myself as a fighter.  There encouragement allows me the opportunity to actually experience what I’m truly capable of instead of second guessing myself without trying.  I have to admit that I had waited so long to go to their practices because at events I always had something else I had to do, or I should say excuse.  Going to practices is my choice with the main purpose of improving myself as a fighter.  

With them being there it gives more of the encouragement and extra tools necessary to achieve my personal goals as a fighter.

The next Huntress Practice will be occurring at the Nashua Practice on August 7th.