
Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Afteraction Report- Now to Stab the Serpent's Heart

To the people of the Realms,

As of the first few hours of this past Sunday, all should know that Mad Tom is Dead, and Bedlam is no longer a plane of horror and madness, but it is a plane that fae is returning to, now to be referred to as the halls of Danaan.  The plane of fae is now wild and pure, and Sir Tara Fae-Eternal is in charge of defending it.  It appears any lands that were taken by bedlam for any period of time are now simply fertile land, with no infrastructure there.  As for our losses, Squire Valerie Hart, Tea Mistress Altana Cecil, and Kieren each sacrificed themselves to complete the ritual that would force Mad Tom to physically manifest so we could slay him.  Valerie and Kieren now reside in the Halls of Danaan, but I am not sure where Altana passed to.  It would appear that Lord Sir Rohde ascended when the Dark One perished.  In addition, many people chose to go reside with the Fae courts at the Halls of Dannan, or follow the queen.  The people who did this are Dame Sir Freesia Den'ier, Sir Zula Darkwillow, Seitei Harlest, Counselor Sir Ged Rosetta Loremipsum, and High Priestess Demetria Highwater.

A full story may be in the works for a later, but it should be known that these people are all heroes.

I know this to be true.  This is not the way the world ends.  This is the way the world begins.

~Janus Kil'tra
First Mage of Rua Thar Cinn