
Friday, November 29, 2013

What You Missed- Feast of Neden 2

Photo by Casey Lemay - 2013

Photo by Jesse Gifford - 2013

Photo by Jesse Gifford - 2013

Photo by Angela Gray - 2013

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Funny Pictures

In this series, we're posting some unique pictures of us as we play in the Realms. The challenge we present to you is to provide us with funny captions for the pictures in the comments section. Try to keep 'em relatively clean and fun. (Photo by Dustin Mack)

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Why I Want to Go - Opening Night

Opening Night
December 1, 2013 (Sunday 12pm) - December 1, 2013 (Sunday 6pm)
Event Type: Questing

I'll be honest and say I have no idea what this event is. It is being billed as a day of music, song and opera, but there a bunch of interesting combat calls. I suspect this event will have more that meets the eye. I suspect we will be provided with some excellent entertainment that will quickly evolve into a quest. I could be wrong, but either way, this staff has thrown some interesting and intriguing events in the past so I expect this event to be fun and engaging.
There is a player cap for the event so make sure to check the event write-up for the current player count or get in touch with the eventholders. Of course, you could always volunteer to npc.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Why I Want to Go - The Artisans of the Blade Present: Tiered Tournaments

The Artisans of the Blade Present: Tiered Tournaments
November 30, 2013 (Saturday 12pm) - November 30, 2013 (Saturday 6pm)
Event Type: Tournaments

This is the start of another big thing for fighting within the Realms. The Artisans of the Blade is a group that seeks to show recognition to those who strive to excel in their martial skills. More information about the Artisans of the Blade can be found here.

This event will feature regular open tournaments (where participants can get some Order of the List points) and tiered tournaments as well. The tiered system is a ranking one wherein anyone can advance by participating, though winning fights makes for faster advancement. This also means that soon, tier levels will be filled with fighters of roughly the same ability. Thus these tiers will allow a person to compete at a level they are comfortable with and still be able to push themselves to higher tiers. The above link also gives some insight into the tier system.

Show up to this event to get in on the start of a truly exciting future for the Realms.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Question of the Week - 120

Should we remove 2-point armor from the system and make 1-point armor the maximum allowed?

Friday, November 22, 2013

Realmscraft:Templar Eternis by Gary "Dagger" Heinstrom

Blog Spot Highlight
Today we take a look at the construction of the territory of the Templar Eternis.  Also, the project’s server owner has changed hands from Stephen Johnson to David Harvill.  Since then Dave has maintained the server much the way Stephen Johnson had and as also implemented a quick help site which displays the current status of the Realmscraft Server:  I have made significant edits to the Play Realmscraft section which includes details on the new server ownership.  If you are interested, or just want something built, you can follow those links and learn what you need to get the answers and assistance you want.

Figure 1:  Entering Templar Eternis

Realmscraft Project
“For over 20 years [Around 30], players in the Realms have met on weekends and played characters in a fictional world.  We have maps, and imagine that we come from lands with castles, roads, bridges, towns, and everything else that might fit a medieval fantasy theme.  Until now, those lands have lived in our stories, songs, poems, and fertile imaginations.  This project is an attempt to change that.  ‘Realmscraft’ could never replace LARPing, but with the right approach it can be a tool to make our shared roleplaying experience deeper and more fulfilling than ever before.”

In service to the Realms,

- Stephen Johnson, KoR, KoEF


Author’s Notes
Ownership of the project’s server has changed hands.  Now with David Harvill at the helm the project continues to chug along.  Recent additions to server include Heminshire (Blackwood), Alonis (Blackwood), and the starts of many other lands.  Soon the server will be updated to Minecraft Version 1.6.2 which includes the mythical long awaited horses… This change will also include use of Resource Packs over Texture Packs.  Bellow in the Play Realmscraft section is a few useful links to aid in the transition process.

Brief History Info Blurb
In parts of the fallen lands of Draconia are Templar Eternis.  The Eternis are beholden to several canons which can be seen on the wall of the tavern just outside Miller’s Reach (Picture Bellow) .  The Templar Eternis discuss rule changes and promotions together as opposed to other groups which hold a single voice or a few prominent people above all others.  Beyond the tavern where their tenets are displayed is the walls of the Miller’s Reach.  I chose to do the Templar Eternis because I stumbled upon their good work by accident while exploring their area of the map.  The city of Miller’s Reach is a well-planned and ordered which perhaps speaks of the type of character members of the Eternis have.


Welcome To:  Miller’s Reach (Templar Eternis)

Figure 2:  Tenets of the Templar Eternis

Figure 3:  Smithy and Tavern just outside Miller’s Reach

Figure 4:  Miller’s Reach at Night

Figure 5:  Miller’s Reach during the Day

Figure 6:  Elsewhere in the Eternis

Play Realmscraft
The Realmscraft project is not just for mass builders who seek to construct nations.  It is also for those who would like to enjoy a little tastes of what the Realms has to offer in a new light.  Quests, dungeons, Roleplaying, and all sorts of other activities are created, and made available, for those who would just like to enjoy another Realms related outlet. 

Here are some links that may be of assistance in getting you in to our rendition of the Realms World. - Is the current Realmscraft help page.  The site includes:
·         The current status and version of the Server
· - Email for Whitelisting
·         Current Server IP address:
·         Current dynamic mao:
·         Links to some of the available texture packs
·         A link to Dagger’s Realmscraft help page which is also seen bellow — this is the home of the Library of CrestGrath (currently under construction yet fully operational).  There is a useful help page here that I keep updated to help anyone interested in playing. - Realmscraft Project Help and Information Page.  Includes: 
·         Maintenance and help information
·         Helpful links for useful resources
·         Contact info
·          A Grid Map page for building nations or structures almost exactly where they sit on the Realmsmap.  Note:  The gridmap is outdated so one will need both the gridmap and the current Realmsmap to insure proper land and structure placement. - Texture Pack Page (Now Resource Pack Page).  This includes a DropBox link to many useful texture packs to help enhance your Realmscraft experience.  The most up to date pack on this page is title Realms7 and can be found at the bottom of the texture pack page. - Minecraft website – Stephen Johnson (Sir Duncan Conrad of Rhiassa) use to host the Realmscraft server.  The Rhiassa website still holds interesting and possibly usefull Realmscraft information. - Old Joining the Server Page. 

Join the Realmscraft Project
Do you have a nation that needs building?  Email us, and we will insure that you get the tools, knowledge, and help you need to complete the job.
· - Op and Arkendrose.Webnode Site owner
· - Server Owner
· - Ex Server Owner and Project Pioneer

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Funny Pictures

In this series, we're posting some unique pictures of us as we play in the Realms. The challenge we present to you is to provide us with funny captions for the pictures in the comments section. Try to keep 'em relatively clean and fun. (Photo by Jesse Gifford)

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

What You Missed- Order of the List Invitational 3

Photo by Jesse Gifford - 2013

Photo by Dave Harvill - 2013

Photo by Jesse Gifford - 2013

Photo by Jesse Gifford - 2013

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Why I Want to Go - Feast of Neden 2

Feast of Neden 2
November 23, 2013 (Saturday 12pm) - November 23, 2013 (Saturday 6pm)
Event Type: Feast/Tournaments

It's been a few years since we've seen an event hosted by Neden, so this should be a good one as they go all out. This is a catered feast and the pre-reg date has already come and gone, so if you are unsure if there will be food for you check with the eventholder beforehand. This event will feature tournaments that will also provide Order of the List points, so this is an excellent opportunity to get a jump start for next year's finals. I know that a lot of energy and prep has gone into this event so you should make sure to show up.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Question of the Week - 119

What is your best story about being scalped? If you've never been scalped, how long have you gone without being scalped?

Friday, November 15, 2013

10 Questions - Tucker "Temorse" Noyes

Tucker "Temorse" Noyes

How long have you been playing? 
Photo by Robyn C Nielsen
My first event was Slippery When Wet in 2003, so a little over 10 years.

How has the game changed since you've been playing?
There have obviously been many changes in the way weapons are made, how people fight, changes to spells.  But those are all things that can be expected with the evolution of any game.  For me the biggest change is that the community has become much more closely knit.  Generally, there is more cooperation between players from different groups, as well as event holders being able to work together to create a greater sense of continuity.  

Who have you learned the most from?
There is a really, really long list of people who I have learned quite a bit from, however I think that there are two people who have had the most influence.  The first would be Dan Diamond, better known as The Baron, who gave me my start in the game.  He set me off on a good foot making sure I was well rounded in a lot of aspects of the game, fighting, crafting weapons, garb and armor, and just how to be a good player and member of the community.  The second person would be Kelly Bonci, or Twenaria, who really helped and supported me on anything I wanted to undertake and helped introduce me to a much wider variety of people in the game.

What was your best moment IC?
My best moment in character would probably be the Ashenmark - Creathorne fight at the second Tournaments of Creathorne that Ashenmark was around for.  It was a hard fought fight on both sides, but we managed to pull a strong victory off against a larger team who had trounced us the year before.

What was your best moment as a NPC/EH/Player?
I think as an NPC it is far to hard to pick a moment to nominate as my "best."  I have had the privilege to work with a lot of different event holders and play a lot of different roles.  Playing either a named role or a crunchy can be just as fun.  As an event holder I think I face a similar issue in that there are so many things that go on that are great.  I think the compilation of moments of having players realize a plot point or mechanic for the first time and seeing how each person reacts to those realizations can usually be fun or rewarding.

As a player I have the honor of being a founding member of a group.  I think that my best moment as a player constantly changes each time that family grows or succeeds.  If I had to pick a personal moment I feel that my best moment was being knighted as one of the Knight of the Eternal Flame.  For me this was something that meant a lot to me to be recognized by a community that I am very attached to.

What would you like to see changed or developed more in game?
There are two things that I would like to see.  First is pretty simple and I think that there should be more immersion in the game.  I don't think every event needs to be super immersive, but I think both players and event holders should strive to create a minimally immersive environment.

Secondly I think there is a fairly large gap between players who participate in questing style events and tournament style events.  Both types of events have a lot to offer and can be a lot of fun if you give them an honest try.  Your probably not going to be the best quester or tournament fighter on your first attempt, but learning is half the fun and can give you a real sense of accomplishment to achieve a personal goal.

Photo by Robyn C Nielsen

What advice would you give new players?
Take your time.  There is a lot to do in the game and the game isn't going away anytime soon.  Try being a fighter, try casting some spells, hang out with people from a variety of groups, go on quests, fight in tournaments.  The game has a lot of facets and there is only one way to find what you like the most.

What do you love most about the game?
I think I have to go with the most popular answer for this question and say the community.  I think that is what keeps most people coming back, and it's not hard to tell why.

Who would you like to see the next interview be with?
Dave "Callin" Dolph or Calvin "Grot" Engle

Anything else you'd like to take the opportunity to put into print?
As an event holder who has recently thrown an event, review events!  Event reviews are an excellent way for EHs to get feedback and make their events better!

As an added bonus feature this week, we're adding in a very, very old ballad...

The Ballad of the Blue Falcon
Written by Tucker Noyes (Temorse Sorrowind)
To the tune of Muppet's Treasure Island, "Professional Pirate"

When I was just a lad looking for my true vocation,
My father said now son this choice deserves deliberation,
Now you could be a fighter, or perhaps a good old seer,
But my boy why not consider, a more challenging career!

Hey ho ho
A Blue Falcon for sure
For if ever you should see one, there will always be two more
True friendship and adventure are what we can't live without,
And when you're in the Blue Falcons,
That's what it's all about!

Now take the dreaded Talon,
The Folkstonians all despise him, but to Neden he was a hero,
And they idolized him
Its how you look at the Falcons
That makes us bad or good,
And I see us as member of a noble brotherhood!

Hey ho ho
A Blue Falcon for sure
For if ever you should see one, there will always be two more
True friendship and adventure are what we can't live without,
And when you're in the Blue Falcons,
That's what it's all about!

I could have been in Folkstone; I like taking things apart
I could have been in Grimlock but I just have too much heart,
I could have been in Chimeron, but I don't look good in green,
I could have been in Rhiassa, but it just seems too damned clean

Hey ho ho,
It's one for all for one
We'll share and share alike for you but always for a sum,
We're gentlemen of honor and that's what we're proud to be,
And when you're in the Blue Falcons
You'll be honest, brave, and free
The soul of decency
You'll be loyal and fair and on the square,
But most importantly, when you're in the Blue Falcons
You're always in the best of company!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Funny Pictures

In this series, we're posting some unique pictures of us as we play in the Realms. The challenge we present to you is to provide us with funny captions for the pictures in the comments section. Try to keep 'em relatively clean and fun. (Photo by Richard Pavis)

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Puzzle - Spells

Think you know the spell system? Arrange the following spells alphabetically by the name of the spell. (No peeking in the Omnibus!)

A) This spell will heal an injured limb. It has 10 uses.

B) This is the 2nd Circle Channeler spell.

C) While this spell is in effect, you may not move or speak.

D) This spell requires that you write “STEALABLE” on the blade of the weapon and has a Verbal component of 25 words.

E) This spell ends if the spellcaster engages in combat either by attacking or being attacked.

F) This Pool spell has 6 uses.

Click below for the answers. Feel free to leave your answers in the comments before checking out the answers.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Why I Want to Go - Order of the List Invitational 3

Order of the List Invitational 3
November 16, 2013 (Saturday 12pm) - November 16, 2013 (Saturday 8pm)
Event Type: Tournaments

This is the culmination of all the various Order of the List points gained throughout the year. This is the event to see who comes out after a full year of struggle! If you want to see epic battles fought by the best the Realms has to offer this is the event to attend. Often this event also includes some tourneys for newer players and other activities for those who are looking for something to do themselves. That is if you can tear your eyes away from the fighting.

Who will be best of 2013? The best way to find out is to be at this event!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Question of the Week - 118

Do you "play dead" (lie down in a prone position looking like a corpse) when killed or do you only kneel down giving the "I am dead sign"?

Friday, November 8, 2013

What You Missed- Rhiassa Presents: What Lurks Beneath V

Photo by Casey Lemay - 2013

Photo by Casey Lemay - 2013

Photo by Jesse Gifford - 2013

Photo by Jesse Gifford - 2013

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Funny Pictures

In this series, we're posting some unique pictures of us as we play in the Realms. The challenge we present to you is to provide us with funny captions for the pictures in the comments section. Try to keep 'em relatively clean and fun. (Photo by Dustin Mack)

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

What You Missed- Black & White 2013

Photo by Jesse Gifford - 2013
Photo by Jesse Gifford - 2013

Photo by Jesse Gifford - 2013

Photo by Jesse Gifford - 2013

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Why I Want to Go - Carnage on the Mountain

Carnage on the Mountain
November 8, 2013 (Friday 12pm) - November 10, 2013 (Sunday 12pm)
Event Type: Tournaments

This annual event is run concurrent with the Carnage Gaming Convention. This is an excellent opportunity to show others the Realms. You can go either to help out or you can do a mix of eventing and gaming on the side. There are issues with needing to be officially booked into the convention so make sure you check out the realmsnet listing for more info. This is a great way to promote the Realms and have a good time also.

If you are curious about the convention you can check them out here

Monday, November 4, 2013

Question of the Week - 117

What do you think about weapons inspections? Needed? Waste of time?

Friday, November 1, 2013

Happenings on the Emerald Path

A news and announcements section of what Realms players are doing outside of the Realms. If you know of any news feel free to let us know at

Congratulations to Eric "Ged" Willisson and Rhiannon "Tria" Chiacchiario who were married on October 19th.

Welcome to the world to Evaine Gallagher, daughter of Tom "Avendar" and Jennifer Gallagher, born on 10/19/13. 9 lb, 15 oz, 21 inches long.

Congratulations to our own Dano "Piper" Knobel who graduated from the marines buff and bad ass on October 25th.

A group of Realmsies published and released their first collaborative work together, a table-top game called Nightshade Academy, under the company/group name of Team Hivemind. Hillary "Tara Harkon" Fontino created the world, people, and the rest of the setting. Amanda "Phoenix Rose" Sieracki did lot of the design work, and both she and Rikki "Thanius" have been helping flesh out the world. It has art from Amanda, Will "Harlest" Bolton, and Vicky (Valerie Hart) Zukas. You can learn more about the game at