
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

On the Order- Knights of Creathorne (Dragonsbane)

The Knights of Creathorne (Dragonsbane)

What year was your Knighthood formed?

Photo by Jesse Gifford
The Knights of Dragonsbane were founded in 1993. There were three orders formed, the Knights of the White Dragon, the Knights of the Red Dragon, and the Knights of the Silver Dragon.

No more Knights of Dragonsbane are being made at this time due to Lord Stirling having retired from the Realms without handing off the ability to knight new members.

The Knights of Dragonsbane (order of the red dragons) formed the Knights of Creathorne in 1997.

What does your knighthood stand for?

The motto is : Varya I Milya ”Your position is a place of service, you hold this honor to do for others what they cannot do for themselves.”

What are your tenets?

The tenets are not shared outsider the order.

What is your symbol?

Symbol of the Knights of Dragonsbane
Symbol of the Knights of Creathorne

Did you have a traditional Knightly power, if so what was it?
Photo by Robyn Nielsen 
The knightly power is only known OOC, no one, including the knights, knows how it works IC. Originally it was that as long as the knights do not scalp they cannot be scalped (at that time you had to carry a scalp if you wanted to scalp in the game), then due to a rule change making all players to have to carry a scalp the power later changed to that the knights can only be scalped by magical weapon blows and or the game rules (such as being dead at the end of an event).

What do you look for when selecting squires?
1.The right person
2.Scalping is not permitted 3.They cannot be a member of another knighthood including honorary members.

What is your squiring process like?
Tasks given vary by individual.

The order may only have one paige or one squire at a time. Both of these are two year paths, together making up four of the five years. If someone skips the paige section then the individual, after completing their squireship, will spend two years as an esquire to account for the two years missed (this is rare).

Photo by Frank Rapant
Knight Errant: This is that last and final year of the five year program. The year when you really prove that you deserve to become a knight to not just those around you but to yourself.

Imari of Creathorne and Tak of Fairhaven are in the program at this time

Who is your current Knight Commander?
Sir Shean O’Quinnlin is the knight commander or the Knights of Dragonsbane thus making him the knight commander of the Knights of Creathorne however he is not a member of the Knights of Creathorne he is the last active member of the Knights of Dragonsbane.

Who are your currently active Knights?
Dame Freesia Denire

Do you have any interesting stories from your Knighthoods past?
Talk to individual knights about their stories

Anything else?
Other Knights of Drgonsbane: Sir Darkwing(owd), Sir Twani Marah (osd), Dame Zepher (ord)

Other Knights of Creathorne Sir Torin Silverbow