
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

On the Order- Magi of the Realms

Photo by Jesse Gifford
What is your Knighthood? 

The Magi of the Realms

What year was your Knighthood formed? 


What does your knighthood stand for?
The Magi of the Realms stands for excellence in spellcasting, celebrating the role of the mage in the Realms , and positively contributing to the community.
Photo by Matt Norris

What are your tenants? 
1. Seek Knowledge. Ignorance = Death
2. Spread Wisdom.  Experience unspoken is lost.
3. Ascertain the Unknown.  Life not questioned is wasted.
4. Quest until the last quest is done.
5. Support the role of magic in the Realms.

Photo by Angela Gray

What is your symbol?

Did you have a traditional Knightly power, if so what was it? 
The power of the order centered around the call of "Mage", similar to the traditional call of Knight by the KoR and KoEF.  A call of Mage "does something" so long as it does not cause harm to the Realms.  That does not mean it won't cause harm to the Magus using the call.  It is up to the event holder or magic marshal what the call
actually does, but it has been known to to anything like enhance the casting of a spell, to accidentally blowing the Magus up, and everything in between.

What do you look for when selecting squires? 
Apprentices are looked at for their potential to do well as a spell caster in the game.  Apprentices are taken if the Magus feels they have something to teach the apprentice or can help the apprentice grow as a caster.  Candidates for apprentices are usually discussed with the Magi as a whole.

What is your squiring process like?  
Photo by Dustin Mack
The process varies depending on the individual apprentice and their mentoring Magus.  Some Magi will assign tasks to all apprentices.
Photo by Amy Fleury
When a Magus feels that they have nothing left to teach their apprentice or that they could learn more working on their own, the apprentice is graduated out of the Order.  This "kicking out" process is somewhat unique to the Magi.  The former apprentice is given a favor noting their completion of the apprenticeship and is told to go out and make a name for themselves as a mage. Being taken as an apprentice is no guarantee of eventually becoming a Magus of the Realms.

Who is your current  Knight Commander? 
Photo by Angela Gray
Magus Faelinn Shadowmoon

Who are your currently active Knights? 
Photo by Angela Gray
Bright Oakfellow
Alexander Cecil
Rel Zhirah
Faelinn Shadowmoon
Zula Darkwillow
Atticus the Red

Inactive members of the Order:Stuart
Heron Silver
Shalindra Darkmoon
Zeek McKrye

Photo by Angela Gray