
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

On the Order- Order of the Spoon

Photo by Jesse Gifford
What year was your Knighthood formed? 


What are your tenants?
 We don't have tenants for the order, but we are focused on mentoring people who want to learn more about being a feastocrat and working toward improving the feasting community at large.

What is your symbol?
A wooden spoon.
Photo by Michelle McCarthy
Masters of the Spoon have their spoons painted with their heraldry.

Did you have a traditional Knightly power, if so what was it?
The Order has no traditional powers are we are not a knightly order, but we do have the power to provide tasty food for hungry adventurers!

What do you look for when selecting squires? 
Apprenticed (and Journeymen) are choose mainly for their desire to learn more about feast (beyond serving) and work toward a more leadership role in the kitchen and handling the various aspects of feasts and feasting events.  To join the Order, you have to show initiative to want to join as we function as a Guild.

What is your squiring process like?
An Apprentice level member is someone who is beginning their learning about feasting in the Realms.  They show an active desire to help and want to know more about how they can help in a variety of ways (dishwashing, serving, etc) but go beyond the basics of wanting to be a servant.
Photo by Angela Gray
Journeymen level is for members who progress past Apprentice.  The Journeyman level member’s skills and knowledge about food and feast planning will have grown considerably from the beginning to the end stage of this level.  
A Master of the Spoon is expected to be the primary feastocrat at their event and help the whole of the feasting community.  Candidacy is discussed with the current Masters of the Spoon.

Who is your current  Knight Commander?
Guild Mistress Faelinn Shadowmoon

Who are your currently active Knights?
The current active Masters of the Spoon are:
Aeston Stromgate
Alexander Cecil
Faelinn Shadowmoon
Malaki of Folkestone
Demetria Highwater
Photo by Bethany Tozier

The less active Masters of the Spoon are:
Katasha of Grimloch
Tarnisha of Chimeron
The retired Masters of the Spoon are:
Lady Cassia of Chimeron
Lady Falon/Spirit of Rhiassa

Do you have any interesting stories from your Knighthoods past?
There are plenty of kitchen stories to hear!  Ask any Master of the Spoon about something "fun" that happened in their kitchen for a feast and you're bound to be amazed and how to throw a feast without running water or that time where "too many" pancakes were made.

Anything else?
Photo by Robyn Nielsen

Last year, members of the Order of the Spoon hosted seven feasts and helped out many more that had food as a major part of their event.