
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Why I Want To Go - Feast of Highbridge II

Feast of Highbridge II: Once More with Doggy Bags

March 29, 2014 (Saturday 11:30am) - March 29, 2014 (Saturday 11:30pm)
Event Type: Feast

This is an excellent event for those who want to more about the Realms. It offers characters a wide range of different classes that will teach them about the people, places and things they may/will find as they adventure within the Realms. It is made up of two main portions, in-character classes and a feast. The feast portion of the event is pre-reg only and if you have not done so you can not attend the feast. However, the classes are open to anyone (pre-reg or not) so you can decide at the last minute to show up and participate in them. Last year saw the introduction of this event and it went very well. If you missed it last year, you can experience it this year.