
Friday, May 30, 2014

What You Missed- TOC 21 Part Three

Photo by Casey Lemay - 2014

Photo by Casey Lemay - 2014

Photo by Casey Lemay - 2014

Photo by Casey Lemay - 2014

10 Questions - Becky "Kovaks" Baron

Becky "Kovaks" Baron

How long have you been playing?
My first event was Black and White 2005, so I’ve been playing for eight and a half years. I was a freshman at WPI and found Realms through the weekly fight practices and SMAS. 

How has the game changed since you've been playing?
There has been a greater push for excellence and development of skills. This allows people more opportunity to find their niche. The Order of the List, the Bardic College, University of Highbridge, the Huntress Guild... the list goes on. Each of these groups exists outside of the nation lines that have always been there and allow people to learn and hone skills that interest them with a group of like-minded individuals with advice to offer. 

Who have you learned the most from?
I cannot answer this question. I have learned things from everyone I have interacted with, and knowledge builds upon knowledge. For me to list people would mean I would leave people out. If you are reading this and have ever interacted with me, rest assured that I have learned something from you, and I thank you all. 

What was your best moment IC?
Rites of War I in 2006 was the battle for The Hill. I had been playing for less than a year and still felt like a clueless newbie, but I had been soaking up all the stories I could. I made my way to The Hill and Cuchulain was waiting, and he invited me inside and introduced me to Queen Meg. I just gaped for a while, confused and astounded at the fact that I was a dumb little newbie in the presence of these legends from the stories. I managed to get the courage to ask Queen Meg for advice: “Age and treachery will always overcome youth and skill. Remember that.” Suddenly I became part of all the stories I had asked people to tell, and I had my own “No kidding there I was” story that I could tell people. 

What was your best moment as a NPC/EH/Player?
At Storytellers VII, I was on staff for one of the quests. One of my responsibilities was special effects. We decided to hang Ezra, one of our PCs, gallows style. In spite of the inherent dangers of hanging a PC and a few minor issues day of, the effect was wonderful. The best part, though, was hearing Ezra talk about it for months and years after. I gave him a story to tell. It was a defining moment for him in his Realms career, and it makes me warm and fuzzy inside to know I made that happen.

What would you like to see changed or developed more in game?
I want to see more people interacting and supporting each other outside of their groups, be it nations, knighthoods, guilds, orders, etc. We are one big community as well as several smaller ones. In tournaments, by all means, keep resources within your group, but on quests we all are one group trying to achieve a goal. Spread the wealth, and make sure the newbies and independents get to feel a part of things as well. 

What advice would you give new players?
RLCF: Real Life Comes First. When the game interferes with your real world values, physical, or mental health, something needs to change. Plots and events should not interfere with your ability to pass your classes, pay your bills, or enjoy time with your family. If you are injured, take a break or tone down your playing. LARPing should supplement your life, not interfere with it.

Your character can be whatever you want it to be. Don’t let people put you in little boxes. If you don’t like the boxes there are, make your own. As long as you don’t piss of other players, you have the first and last say over what your character becomes.

What do you love most about the game?
As trite as it sounds, the community. We are a family. A giant family of over a thousand members. We may not all get along or even interact, but when the chips are down, I know this whole community will come together and do whatever it takes to help a Realmsie in need. 

Who would you like to see the next interview be with?
Matt Butler, Jeremy Sullivan, Laura Fontaine 

Anything else you'd like to take the opportunity to put into print?
Everyone  was new once. Newbies are the future of the game. Giving newer players a hard time never makes you look cool, and helping a newer player means someone else now thinks you are amazing. Never forget that no matter what species someone’s character is, all of the players are human. Thank you.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

What You Missed- TOC 21 Part Two

Photo by Cathy Hopkins - 2014

Photo by Cathy Hopkins - 2014

Photo by Cathy Hopkins - 2014

Photo by Cathy Hopkins - 2014

Picture Puzzle - Who Is It?

Today's challenge is to tell us who this is? After the break is the full picture but before that we only provide a small portion of that picture. So give us your best guess in the comments and then check the answer for yourself.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

What You Missed- TOC 21 Part One

Photo by Dustin Mack - 2014

Photo by Dustin Mack - 2014

Photo by Dustin Mack - 2014

Photo by Dustin Mack - 2014

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Why I Want To Go- Feast of Chimeron XXII

Feast of Chimeron XXII
May 31, 2014 (Saturday 12pm) - June 1, 2014 (Sunday 2pm)
Event Type: Feast/Questing

Here we have another of the "main events" of the Realms eventing calendar. This event has consistently provided excellent and fun questing during the day followed by a superb feast at night. It will be interesting to see what the staff comes up with for a quest this year; I expect something new and exciting. Also, I am ready to have my stomach pleased with their culinary delights. All in all, this is an excellent event to attend for various reasons and should not be missed.

The final day for preregistration is tomorrow. This helps them plan and is needed for magic items to still have time!

Monday, May 26, 2014

Question of the Week - 146

If money was no hindrance, what garb/accessory would you buy?

Friday, May 23, 2014

What You Missed- The Silver Eye 2

Photo by Jesse Gifford - 2014

Photo by Jesse Gifford - 2014

Photo by Jesse Gifford - 2014

Photo by Jesse Gifford - 2014

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Picture Puzzle - Who Is It?

Today's challenge is to tell us who this is? After the break is the full picture but before that we only provide a small portion of that picture. So give us your best guess in the comments and then check the answer for yourself.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

What You Missed- Neden Presents Cabin Fever

Photo by Jesse Gifford - 2014

Photo by Jesse Gifford - 2014

Photo by Jesse Gifford - 2014

Photo by Jesse Gifford - 2014

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Why I Want To Go - TOC 21

TOC 21: I Was There?
May 23, 2014 (Friday 3pm) - May 26, 2014 (Monday 3pm)
Event Type: Tournaments/Questing

This is the first of the "must-go-to" events as we reach the heaviest eventing cycle of the season. This event has a deserved reputation as the event with everything - lots to keep a person busy and having fun. As usual there are plenty of combat tourneys (which also give Order of the List points), as well as a wide assortment of non-combat tourneys as well. There is questing in the evenings and dinner/feast as well. Kid events are also planned so you can bring everyone to this event. Make sure to check out the event write-up to learn more about the specialized tourneys that you might want to put some extra prep into, such as the 'campfire dessert cooking', 'siege equipment tourney' or magic the gathering tourneys. Be there...everyone else will be.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Question of the Week - 145

What is the favorite NPC role you have played?

Friday, May 16, 2014

10 Questions - Andy "Shean" Disbrow

Andy "Shean" Disbrow

How long have you been playing?  
Long time, beyond older than dirt at this point. started with Midrealms in 1986 but was only hitting 1-2 events a year till 1992-now. Most years I hit 20-40 events+-.

How has the game changed since you've been playing?  
There have been lots of changes when I first started there was no scalping it did not exist... around 92-94 you could scalp if you carried a scalp... Spell changes, Archery changes: we used Fluflu arrows, then gulf tubes and arrows like magic missiles were active till they stopped moving.  People's responsibility level has lowered quite a bit.

Who have you learned the most from?  
That is a hard one:  so many people for different thing Tim Gilkes, Kathy Journeay for eventholding,   Terry Armstrong , Jarrod Marshal and Scott Rodlin for fighting,  But I learn new stuff all the time. Learned a bunch of new stuff  at the Highbridge event in March...

What was your best moment IC?
Saving/recovering Lady Dee from Oberon, had to go into a spiderweb area and drag her out because she was sleep poisoned, I got attacked by a unsele fay with magic missiles it was like playing tennis smacking them with my axehead into the woods as they were thrown...  A very good day...(questing team had Cinnibar, Dalimar, Radstar, PJ I think and a few others...)

What was your best moment as a NPC/EH/Player?  
Well that is a love hate thing I guess, The  Goblin King.. was planned to be a 8 hour npc that lasted 8 years... Things got pretty crazy, everyone wanted to teach him their spells some one gave him a genie bottle and someone else gave him the cork ,genie shamans, so crazy....Still have darklore verbals stuck in my head...

What would you like to see changed or developed more in game?  
STOP messing with the spells/system we need to just leave it alone at this point..  I would like to see Archery go back to where it was 12 years ago.  Develop a better way for players to have interaction with the EH meeting without EH interference at their meeting...

What advice would you give new players?  
The game is as much fun as YOU want it to be.. sometimes you have to make your own fun..but that should not take away from others fun..

What do you love most about the game?  
The Community aspect of the game both IC and ooc..

Who would you like to see the next interview be with?
Paul Swanson aka Swan.... OR  Joe Sims

Anything else you'd like to take the opportunity to put into print?  
The game can be pretty amazing if you  let it be...

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Picture Puzzle - Who Is It?

Today's challenge is to tell us who this is? After the break is the full picture but before that we only provide a small portion of that picture. So give us your best guess in the comments and then check the answer for yourself. 

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Blast From the Past - View From Valehaven April 1996

This old View has quite a lot of interesting bits in it. The event calendar was full and robust this season (I remember one of them as the first appearance of the Cadre). There are a number of nation articles. The start of the magic items list. A look at some of the Planes of the Realms. A couple of stories and IC missives. The results of the 1995 View From Valehaven Awards! The notes and rule changes to the Omnibus from the Event Holder's Meeting - it's always fun to look at how the rules have changed through the years.
[Thanks to Janna "Iawen" Oakfellow-Pushee for the scans.]

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Why I Want To Go - The Silver Eye 2

The Silver Eye 2:  Chasing Rumors
May 17, 2014 (Saturday 12pm) - May 17, 2014 (Saturday 11:45pm)
Event Type: Questing

The first event in this series was thrown last year and was a solid event. This staff is well known for creating some excellent props that really help an event shine. Like last time, the event is split into two different parts and sites. The first is on a public land preserve and the evening is on some private land. This will make for some diverse changes of scenery throughout the event. If you go to this event, you can expect lots of questing!

Monday, May 12, 2014

Question of the Week - 144

What is one area of the Realms (fighting, magic, other characters, etc) that you wish you knew more about?

Friday, May 9, 2014

10 Questions - Matt "Rev" Daviault

Matt "Rev" Daviault

How long have you been playing?
Photo by Jesse Gifford
My first event was "Tourneys of Coldmoon"
1998? So 16 years

How has the game changed since you've been playing?
Two changes
I notice is weapons are lighter and faster, and there is more of a focus on Combat than RP

Who have you learned the most from?
I learned the most from P.J. Grey and Ray McGurk I would not be where I am in the game without them.

What was your best moment IC?
Retiring my main character (Zula) after playing him for 15 years.
It was a great ending to a great story.

What was your best moment as a NPC/EH/Player?
The best moment for me is when somebody tells a story that involves something that I helped create as an NPC or EH.

What would you like to see changed or developed more in game?
I would like to see more roleplaying and continuity in game.

What advice would you give new players?
Try everything, and then choose what you like.

What do you love most about the game?
It's been said before, but it’s the community that I love about this game.

Who would you like to see the next interview be with?
Jay Micciche

Anything else you'd like to take the opportunity to put into print?

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Picture Puzzle - Who Is It?

Today's challenge is to tell us who this is? After the break is the full picture but before that we only provide a small portion of that picture. So give us your best guess in the comments and then check the answer for yourself.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Funny Pictures

In this series, we're posting some unique pictures of us as we play in the Realms. The challenge we present to you is to provide us with funny captions for the pictures in the comments section. Try to keep 'em relatively clean and fun. (Photo by Jesse Gifford)

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Why I Want To Go- Neden Presents: Cabin Fever

Neden Presents: Cabin Fever
May 10, 2014 (Saturday 12pm) - May 10, 2014 (Saturday 7pm)
Event Type: Unknown

This event looks like it will be a fusion between the regular Realms rules and an overlay with a custom/play-test of another system (Accelerated). There are a lot of fundamental changes so I would recommend checking out the event write-up for more information. Also, I am not sure what the focus of the event will be: tourneys? questing? something else?

However, as mentioned, if you have been eager to do some Realmsing, this is a good chance to get out of the house and interact with the game in new ways.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Question of the Week - 143

Would you ever scalp a character knowing it would be their 3rd tick?

Friday, May 2, 2014

Happenings on the Emerald Path

A news and announcements section of what Realms players are doing outside of the Realms. If you know of any news feel free to let us know at

Congratulations!!!  On March 22, 2014, Henry "Gulliam" Giasson and Katherine "Eefa" Smith were married in 'crazy southern eloping' style in Shreveport, LA. the private ceremony held on the river in an old park under steel light up roses was followed by a motorcycle ride and a concert at the local casino river boat. They are now home sporting their new rings and working on projects to turn the house in Manchester NH into a family home. Katie has opted to take Henry's name and is now MRS Katie Giasson 

(PS- Thanks to Henry who did an amazing job as a guest writer).

Welcome to the world Alyssa Estelle Simms, Daughter of Joe "Rillan" Simms and Kimberly Falcetti.  Alyssa was born on 24 April 2014, 10:47pm and is 6lbs 5oz 19in

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Picture Puzzle - Who Is It?

Today's challenge is to tell us who this is? After the break is the full picture but before that we only provide a small portion of that picture. So give us your best guess in the comments and then check the answer for yourself.