
Thursday, July 24, 2014

Artist Profile- Amanda "Phoenix Rose" Sieracki

What mediums do you work in? I tend to favor digital art, but I also do doodles with just good old ball-point pen and whatever paper is on hand.
Have you had any formal art training?
None what-so-ever! Everything I've learned is from artists I admire, and asking them for pointers, or finding tutorials. Never be afraid to ask for help, or look up references and tutorials!
Where do you find inspiration? Everywhere. Sometimes it'll be a prompt that blossoms into an idea in my head, sometimes it'll be seeing someone else's work and wondering if I can do something similar. Sometimes just a handful of colors chosen at random will give me an idea. Character concept work for movies or games can be really interesting, too, and help with that little nudge.
Has your art been influenced by Realms? If so, how? It has, as I like doodling Phee from time to time, and sometimes the people she interacts with. It's helped me try to learn how to draw different weapons, armor, clothing styles and patterns, and body-shapes. It's also made me think more about heraldry in other projects. They're all things I'm working on doing better, but it helped kick-start the process.
Where do you share your work? My deviantart page for more finished things, or my tumblr account for sketches are the most common places I post things. My tumblr's mostly full of stories or other things, so that's not the best place to check.
What project/projects that you've created have you been particularly proud of? Anything that requires me to break out of my comfort zones. Backgrounds, concepts I'm not incredibly familiar with, or experimenting with lighting.
What projects do you hope to complete in the future? Besides the huge amount of art needed for all the future Nightshade Academy products we have lined up (let me tell you, there's a lot), I want to try illustrating a novel I've been working on for a few years.
What other Realms artists work do you enjoy? Keith "Tark" Tatarczuk, Will "Harlest" Bolton, Zach "Rubis" Senchuck (can be read here) and Janna "Iawen" Oakfellow-Pushee (can be read here) come to mind.