
Friday, August 8, 2014

10 Questions- Jennifer "Areni" Rosa

How long have you been playing?

Let's see. My first event was Tourneys of Teng Hua II back in 2002 so.....almost twelve years now. Wow. I never really stopped to think about that before! This year is also the 10th anniversary of the founding of UCONN practice.  Hard to believe sometimes that it's been running (or that I've been going!) for that long.

How has the game changed since you've been playing?

Since I went fighter several years ago, the game itself has stayed more or less the same for me (though of course it does change a bit every year after the EHC) - overall, I feel that it is moving in a positive direction. It's really the faces that I feel change the most over the years - people that were a lot more active during the beginning of my Realms "career" have become less so over time due to expanding families and other life issues. The political landscape has changed a few times as well, in terms of the ebb and flow of various nations and organizations. Also, others argue with me on this, but I sometimes feel that there are less large, "epic," overarching plotlines now than there were a few years ago - though that opinion may be skewed by that fact that as a newbie, I thought everything was pretty epic!

Who have you learned the most from?

Many people have influenced me during the course of the years- I credit Meg M (Kyomi) for bringing me to my first practice at WPI, and Melissa F (Sybil) for being my partner in crime for so many years.  I have learned a lot from many people, including Stephen Johnson (Elder Duncan) and Dave Martin (Sir Owen - wait, not anymore?), both of whom were among the first to teach me how to use a hand-and-a-half at said WPI practice, my knight Seth Flagg (Da'oud) to whom I was squired to for several years, Angie Gray (Phoenix) and Tanja Johnson (Katasha) for being strong female players and pretty kick-ass in general. My fellow Rhiassans, including Alysha (Kyntella) and Lani (Gwen), have been a huge source of pride and motivation. There are too many other people to name who have positively influenced my Realms career in some way. But in terms of who I've learned the most from  - and this will sound horribly corny but - the person that I have learned the most from throughout the years (and still continue to learn from), even when we were just friends, is my significant other, Jason Rosa (Aeston).

What was your best moment IC?

Here's a secret -- I actually like to NPC/staff a lot more than PC'ing. I feel more comfortable "behind the scenes" so to speak, so I have trouble singling out one single best IC moment. A few come to mind - joining Vinehaeven and putting on that maroon surcoat for the first time was a really great moment for me - I finally felt that I had found a great group of people that I really fit in with and belonged to, on both and IC and OOC level. Going along with that, when the majority of that group stopped playing, I would say that another great moment for me was when Jason and I made the decision to join Rhiassa as dual citizens, and put on those red tabards for the first time. And of course, being made a Knight of Rhiassa is definitely up there as well!

What was your best moment as a NPC/EH/Player?

In terms of specifics, one very good memory comes from a Fae event, when the PCs were making their way into Bedlam itself to try to free Boquet. I was playing a named, friendly NPC - Mad Maudlin. It was on the night quest, and we had been battling down the path at Sterling for a while (after a long day of questing as well), and we were nearing the gates but everyone was tired, dragging. I remember people sitting on the pathway. Then, all of a sudden - the memory is a little fuzzy - but someone started yelling some sort of battle cry. I don't know if it was a PC or another member of the event staff -  but it was like electricity shot through the PC group. Everybody jumped to their feet, including myself, and started charging down the path- regardless of how tired everyone was. I just remember the energy being so high all of a sudden, and everyone was running and yelling - it was such a powerful moment, I remember feeling swept up by the emotions, and we didn't stop until we'd reached the gates themselves, and everyone was breathless, excited, pumped again. It really was a great moment! But I have so many great memories from NPC'ing various events, including Rhiassa's. My best moments come when I know that the players are able to have fun with the interactions and challenges that I am providing, and knowing that I am contributing to the success of the event. Any time Rhiassa comes together to throw a quality event -- those are some of the very best moments for me - the feeling that comes with knowing that what your group just did was a job well done, and how proud I am to be a part of it.

What would you like to see changed or developed more in game?

I would like to see more initiatives aimed at "service to the game and the community." I think there are a lot of awesome crafters in the game, and I think it would be awesome if crafting "guilds" or organizations were developed where people could come together to share and teach these things with each other and with others in the community - so many people have so much to give, and just need an outlet to do so! For me, I love the beautiful leatherwork that some people are able to create, and would love to be able to do that too, even if only on a basic level. But where to start - which I think can be a barrier to a lot of people. Also, the reception has been great so far - but continued support of the Huntress Guild is also important for the game. And some sort of system for procuring NPCs would also help the game I think, especially for younger potential eventholders who may not know a lot of people in game or have that "networking" base that is so helpful when trying to recruit NPCs.

What advice would you give new players?

Take your time and explore your options! If you really want to be a fighter, be a fighter. If you really want to be a caster, be a caster. I was a healer for a number of years because as a female and a newbie, I felt that I would be more "useful" that way - and I was not sure if I would be taken seriously as a fighter. It was later, and with the help of good role models (as mentioned above), that I realized I liked big sticks more than spells, and that I could kick just as much butt. So don't feel that you have to play the game a certain way just to fit in. Play the way that will allow you to enjoy the game the most. And don't rush in to joining a nation - make sure it's a good fit for you first! I stayed independent for a long time before finally finding a good fit in terms of a nation. Remember, a nation is rarely just an "IC" thing - these are potential "OOC" groups of friends as well! Make the most of your early years. Whether you come in through a practice or through a friend - take advantage of all that people have to offer you as a newbie, try to get to know everyone - you can learn a lot!

What do you love most about the game?

Above all, I love community and the feeling of community that comes with playing this game. This is such a diverse group of people. I've made a great group of friends and acquaintances through Realms that I would probably not otherwise have gotten a chance to meet IRL - including my husband! As I mentioned above, so many of these people have influenced me in so many ways throughout the years, both in the game and outside of it. I look forward to events not just because of the content, but also because of the chance to hang out with and see different people. This is such a great community as well in that it cares for its own - so many people willing to help other players in need, whether that person is a past or current player, and whether they know that player personally or not. You really couldn't ask for a better group of people to spend your weekends with!

Who would you like to see the next interview be with?

Alysha Metcalf (can be read here

), Diana LaPierre (can be read here), or Leilani Grayson

Anything else you'd like to take the opportunity to put into print?

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the members of Rhiassa for all of your hard work and dedication, both to our humble nation and to the game, throughout the years. It is not always easy to do what we do with the numbers we have, but we always seem to make it work!

I'd also like to thank all the people who helped keep UCONN practice alive when it first started, and who also helped to shape it into the practice that it is today - particularly the members of Vinehaeven and the Southern Wastes, and the earliest members of the Oaken Guard.

I'd like to thank Alysha Metcalf (Kyntella) for bringing back the Huntress Guild and working to promote females in the game, as well as all those who have gone before us - Tanja Johnson, Kathy Fay, Angie Gray, and many others.

And finally, I'd like to thank the players in general, for making all the long hours worthwhile - thank you all for your support of Rhiassa and all of our endeavors. It is because of you all that we go to the lengths that we do, and because of the excitement and enthusiasm you bring that we strive to push our bar higher each time.