
Thursday, August 14, 2014

Artist Profile- Britini "Rivers" Chandler

What mediums do you work in?
I work in a lot of different mediums I usually use oil paint, but I also draw and enjoy photography. 

Have you had any formal art training?
I’m currently in my last year of my BFA at Umass Lowell :) so yes.

Where do you find inspiration? 
I usually use art as an outlet of things I can’t explain with words. My favorite works are pieces that make the viewer feel different than they had before seeing it. My paintings can force the viewer to feel empathetic or maybe even uncomfortable. (either are just as good as the other) 

Has your art been influenced by Realms?  If so, how?
I have actually started some smaller ‘LARP’ themed paintings, I just recently got a DSLR camera which I fully intend to use to take photos at practice/events! 

Where do you share your work?
I have been featured in local galleries around Lowell, but I also share some on Facebook. 

What project/projects that you've created have you been particularly proud of?
Honestly anything and everything I’ve done that has made someone feel or react is a win in my book as an artist. 

What projects do you hope to complete in the future?
It’s my last year so I have a lot coming up. I have always wanted to make an “action”-y piece. Hoping to have a sparing painting :D

What other Realms artists work do you enjoy?
Unfortunately, I’m not very familiar but now that I know about View From Valehaven I’ll know a lot more!