
Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Ask Syruss

Hey there buddy... yeah you with the shirt, you don’t look so happy. What’s wrong goblin steal your favorite coat? Lose all your gold at the Blackwood Casino? Best friend ascend to godhood only to kidnap you and then torture your dreams every night since you got back to this accursed realms………Sorry got off the trail there anywho.
My name is Sir Syruss and over this past decade plus of adventuring I have been around the block a time or two (maybe too many times or twos) and I have seen it all. Girlfriend gave you the Shadow Blight and she swears she was never Drunk at Rohde and Syruss’s hump house, best friend sold your soul for the magic item, or my personal favorite got conned by, "you can trust me, just because I look an awful lot like Zula doesn’t mean I am the secret bad guy pretending to help" is totes the secret bad guy.

Needless to say I have a lot of life experience at strange and unusual problems combine that with my online degree from Corsica in “Professional Counseling”, I am here to answer your questions however strange and or crazy they may be.
In Fact the crazier the better that way we sell more copies of the view
So ink your quills ready ponder your questions and send your ravens to me with said questions and you may get some answers. Or at the very least I can provide you with a funny anecdotes not really relevant to you in anyway.
Cheers, Sir Syruss

(OOC- Questions for Sir Syruss should be sent to view staff at