
Monday, August 25, 2014

Radstar's Bardic From Queen of Hearts 21

It's that time, Queen of Hearts is here again,

where fighters fight, casters cast, and cowards fear,

Three teams enter, the end is near.

Well Rawlin came a calling, and knew that my foes would be falling,

and when it came to fighting, I'd be straight up ballin.

Ahh the things I do for team Rawlin.

Now Rawlin is a magical queen,

and his bad ass self can be so mean,

and if looks counted he could kill the whole team.

His smile is like a sun beam.

Even all of Neden tells me he is such a dream.

Thank you Rawlin and Tallon for letting me on this team,

where we will do things unseen,

wearing black, purple and green.

Here's to Rawlin LONG LIVE THE QUEEN!!