
Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Team Iawen's Bardic from Queen of Hearts 21- Classy

Spoken: "Hi, guys! (etc.) I don't recall actually as we didn't have a lot of time to prepare this who all I asked for help with the bardic, and since everyone's here, I guess I must have told one of you no... No? Alright, well... do your thing, I guess, go on."

(Everyone either looks confused or starts BARDIC-ING THEIR WAY, depends who we can beg to volunteer with us that night.) *Editor's note, they mostly all just looked confused.

(if majority look Confused and stand there, apologize and tell them it's okay, then say, "We'll let Saka show you how it's done.")

Saka: puts on shades slow

1 2 3 4

It might seem crazy, singin' for my team
But Ashenmark only gave me three... (spoken) nights
My true supporters said it'd be fine
So I summoned Saka in the nick of time

(spoken) Here's why

(Peeps who helps us) Because we're classy...
Got my friends from North and South, from Folkestone to Coventry (Peeps who helps us) Because we're classy... Run those crazy Neden boys up the hill and through the trees

I've got two generals, they love to fight
One's into "spreadsheets", the other "smites".
Cham-pin's Poseidon, my Mage's fine
And my seneschal, well... never mind


(Peeps who helps us) Because we're classy..
Got my friends from North and South, from Folkestone to Coventry
(Peeps who helps us) Because we're classy... Run those crazy Neden boys up the hill and through the trees

Because we're classy... Watch your blow strength, Grimloch, and we'll battle 'til we're black and blue (Peeps who helps us) Because we're classy... Or you can ditch both those teams; join us, you'll be classy too!

Armor 1, can't hit me
Armor 2, you're swinging too hard!
Armor 3, guess I'm cheating
Somebody come down and heal my limbs
Arm and leg, you can't kill me!

Run those crazy Neden boys up the hill and through the trees

Because we're classy... Watch your blow strength, Grimloch, and we'll battle 'til we're black & blue! Because we're classy... You can ditch both those teams, and join us, you'll be classy, too!

Got my team from North and South, from Folkestone to Coventry
Because we're classy! Run those crazy Neden boys up the hill and through the trees (spoken) Just like Mestoph did! Because we're classy Watch your blow strength, Grimloch, and we'll battle 'til we're black and blue

Because we're classy! Or you can ditch both those teams, and maybe you'll be classy too. (spoken) We out. /crotch X chop/