
Friday, September 19, 2014

What You Missed- Disregard of Shadows- by Leanne "Faelinn" Miccichi

This even promised high roleplaying and did a great job of trying to immerse the players.  At the start of the event, the reading of the event specific rules was done completely in an in-character fashion.  You really got the feel of the event right off the bat.

There were plenty of people to interact with if you didn't want to go on the various mini-missions.  The students (who were very well prepped NPCs, complete with their own quirks and magical specialties) encouraged participation and exploration of not only the magic school itself, but also various forms of magic.  A wild-eyed alchemist looking for just the right potion combinations (don't touch his stuff, he's sensitive).  A shady merchant with his discount scrolls of dubious origin.  You even got to learn about the importance of fire-magic safety.  Don't sit in the line of fire of a dubiously warded piece of paper while a fireball is being flung at it.  It turns out the paper will be completely fine, but you'll be burnt to a crisp and your fellow adventures will use your body to experiment with runic magic trying to raise you.  Just ask Magus Meerkat!

As stated, there were various missions and adventures going on all day that let you get a glimpse of the bigger picture without giving it all away.  NPCs not affiliated with the school hinted at a sinister "Mistress" sending her minions looking for a mana sprite and various dark magics trying to blight the land.  There was even an alligator infested river!  And a cube of ULTIMATE EVIL!!!

Due to the low PC turn out, you had to really try to not be involved.  You didn't need to go on every exploration adventure or talk to every NPC to feel like you were a main player.  The upside/downside of that is that when the PCs spent longer than necessary trying to solve some problems, there were NPC students to help troubleshoot or solve things for you.

At the end of the day, we were asked to flee from the school when the Mistress's onslaught became too much.  Why was the Headmaster so reluctant to order an evacuation?  What do you do with the font of power left over from curing the blight?  What else was empowered by the ritual?  And what was up with that little girl and her "dragon" familiar?

All in all it was a fun day that players explore, learn weird powers, and dip their toes into a larger plot with ease.

Also ice cream cake!