
Wednesday, September 3, 2014

When Sir Callin went a courting (as told by Kathy Journeay)

Sir Callin has never been a man to do things the traditional way.  He has a unique style of his own, and it gets results.  A long time ago, this View from Valehaven reporter ended up at the Bar and Wench Tavern in Chimeron.  After a few drinks, a certain Queen entertained the crowd with this story.  The View from Valehaven had to dig through our copies archives to find this lost tale of yesteryear, and we are proud to present a story from Queen Meg of Chimeron herself.

"No shit, there I was, Princess of Valehaven, at Rrathclwyn, in the midst of a Castle siege weekend. Many of my fellow Chimeronians had been celebrating, and there was more extremely drunk people in my shared tent than I was comfortable sleeping next to all night. So, I was wandering around trying to figure out a safe place to bunk down when handsome Callin from Folkestone figured out my plight.  It was late. It was dark. He offered to allow me to crash with him. Who was I to say no? And like a Gentleman, he stayed on his side of the tent and I stayed on mine and we talked until almost dawn.

In the morning I woke up to find that Callin was already gone. I unzipped the tent, stepped out.... right into the middle of of Folkestone's encampment.

There were audible gasps of surprise. Callin reddened ever so slightly while his friends came to the obvious, but terribly wrong conclusion.  Conscious of all the eyes in camp on us. he asked, "Uh... how did you sleep?"
I walked up to him, took his face in my hands and planted a long, slow, wet kiss on his lips.

His knees buckled. I let go.  He dropped to the ground like a stone.

"Very well, thank you," I replied, and walked back to Chimeron. Behind me Jarrod started laughing and teasing someone else who had gotten lucky that night noting no matter how well they did that "... Callin bagged a PRINCESS!"

And thus did Princess Meg and Callin of Folkestone start dating."

Duke of Glendale 1992