
Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The View Retrospective

Though the View is no longer produced in a print format, there are still numerous gems contained within the paper pages of the many years of past editions. However, unless one has, or knows someone who has, a collection of past issues, it can be difficult  for many players to gain access to this content - let alone sift through each booklet to find it. To that end, the staff of The View from Valehaven would like to take this opportunity to announce the launch of a new Feature series.  Called "The View Retrospective," the goal of this series is to draw out articles, stories, and guides that are as pertinent today as they were when they were first written. By re-publishing these pieces in our current online format, it is our hope that these pieces can not only continue to serve as a source of knowledge, entertainment, and inspiration to the community as a whole, but will also find a more easily accessible home on The View from Valehaven blog. Additionally, re-publishing of past content through the "Retrospective" series will  serve not only to highlight some excellent  submissions from players that may not be as active in the game anymore, but also showcase their dedication to our Realms community through their writing.- Jennifer DeNardis Rosa

Back to Basics:
What new players should know, and old ones should remember....
By Kelly Bonci (Dame Twenaria) and Angela Earle Gray (Dame Phoenix of Folkestone)
  Originally published in The View from Valehaven, 2nd Edition, Volume 1, Issue 1, June/July 2004. 

Part II:
                Once I was asked why I pack so much stuff.
                “Kelly, how many cloaks do you really need? Do you know how to pack?"
                In my first year of the Game,  I would pack and pack and pack. I never really remembered to pack the right things, either. I'd always forget something, and pack something REALLY useless (like some people I used to know). Now, of course, I still forget things, but my basic equipment needs are met. So here it is...

My Ideas on What You SHOULD Pack for an Overnight Event
(And my way of proving that l do, indeed know how to pack)
                Of course, everyone has things they can't live without. Maybe its medication, a pillow, or your teddy bear (I won't tell). Either way, please make sure you edit this for your own needs.
                First and foremost, let's go over basic human needs:
·         Sleeping bag: I can't believe how many people show up to an event without a sleeping bag or blankets. As someone who gets cold easy, it boggles my mind. This is New England, folks, and its chilly at night, no matter what time of year it is.
·         Tent: plan on some sort of shelter. Whether it's your own luxurious 17 room tent/mansion, or the back of your buddy's car, please plan ahead. Because sometimes. the Tavern is not some place you want to sleep in.
·         Food: Yeah, food. Sure there will likely be munchies, but what about real food? What if you don't have cash to run out, or there is no food nearby? Or, heaven forbid, you just don't have time to go off-site cause you are having way to much fun? Pack a few granola bars, apples, or pop tarts. And Gatorade. Always make sure you are staying hydrated.
·         Bug spray: If it's not snowing, you'll want it. And you'll be so popular with those who forgot it, too!
·         Sunscreen: You can burn on even cloudy days.
·         Toiletries: Yeah, I sound like your mom. But bringing soap and deodorant is a nice thing, especially for those healers out there who have to get up close and personal. I know quite a few realmsies who wouldn't go without a toothbrush, or a travel-size mouthwash. If you wear contacts, bring solution, a case and your glasses, in case you cannot wear your contacts for some reason.
·         Clothes: Again, maybe I'm being mom-ish (mom-ly?), but a spare change of clothes (garb and real-world) is a beautiful thing when your clothes are soaked through with rain or sweat. Spare changes of socks are also great. And don't forget the undies!! ( I couldn't resist). A spare set of shoes never hurts, either.

Now we can get to the fun stuff The playing stuff!
·         Garb: I know it sounds silly, but people won't know who you are if you are not in your character's garb. (Want to know what to do for great basic garb? Read next issue's article!) Knee pads DO count as garb!
·         Weapons: Whatever you think you may need, and are willing to carry around, pack it. Its considered good etiquette to bring ALL magic items to events, but is not a rule.
·         Currency: Because you never know what there is to buy, or who is around to bribe
·         NPC Blacks: Is there a chance you might NPC? Why not plan for it? Every so often, an EH needs the extra hand. Be prepared for it, and have fun.
·         Other: What makes your character their own person? Is it a necklace, a set of antennae? Armor, or a shield? Special make-up? Ears? Maybe it's something not everyone sees, but helps the role-playing shtick. Most people have a little something  special for their character.

                There are always going to be events when you forget something. "No one remembers everything all the time. A lot of players keep the plastic bins with their Realms equipment already packed. This is a great idea, just remember to repack whatever you wash. (Yes, garb is supposed to be washed sometimes.) And on those days when you DO forget something, ask around. The majority of the community of this game is willing to help out. Many of us keep extra things to help out others.

                So yes, I do know how to pack. I pack four cloaks cause one might get wet, or if someone else gets cold. And if nothing else, its more cushion to sleep on.