
Tuesday, November 4, 2014

WIWTG Carnage on the Mountain

This is a long running event held for about ten years at a convention in Vermont called Carnagecon.  Ill admit, Ive never been.  Heck, Ive never even been to a con.
BUT!  I hear great things.  This is a great chance to expose gamers from other systems to Realms. Our game has a room slated for the entire weekend, and my understanding is it allows folks who have never played, or even LARPed, a chance to play. It also gives Realmsies who come the chance to go check out other games and meet new people. Thats pretty cool.
Do you remember your first moment of total immersion?  Well, you can be a part of that if you make it up to Carnage this weekend.  Go forth, and meet people!