
Tuesday, November 18, 2014

WIWTG Rumors of The Lost Wellspring

There are dozens of reasons each of us love this game.  Some like the adrenaline of a good fight. Some like the pageantry of court.  Me?  I love a good story.  This Sunday brings us a seemingly simple cry for help.  Children who have fallen ill, with no cure in sight.
However, this event holding crew might be relatively new to headlining as event holders, but these are veteran players, NPCS, and have plenty experience being fantastically creative.
While I have no inside knowledge, I anticipate an in-depth story, some great roleplaying, and some real thinking.
This event is billed as being newbie friendly, and I hope that all of the more experienced players who go will support the new players, and let them really explore our world, and not be pushed to the back of the pack.
At this point, I do not know if there are any slots open on this capped quest.  If there are openings, you would be smart to get your name to the staff ASAP.