
Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Ask Syruss

Sir Syruss,
I've been a squire forever but my knight doesn't seem to be acknowledging much of anything I do. In fact, they're really not that active anymore.  Is it appropriate to cut ties with my mentor, or will I look like a quitter?
Reputable "But Long" Squire-ship

Hey Reputable but impatient,

Yeah that’s right I know it’s YOU Grebinar. For the record jerk, I am just as active if not more so than you. Also, I couldn’t praise you enough last week, you know when you made all the Knights of the Potentium cookies so this whole I don’t acknowledge you thing is preposterous.

If this is not Grebs and I missed that mark, I am sorry; here is some really Great advice.

First, a squire’s relationship with their knight I feel (and this is based on my experience with my Squire as well as years as a coach) should be that of a mentee. A squire should be someone who wishes to be taught and molded into a better overall person, not just in the lands of the Realms but everywhere he or she may travel.

I also feel very strongly that a knight and squires relationship is a very intimate one, where two people become like family. A knight will watch his ward grow into a hopefully reputable, strong willed and smart individual. A squire will transform from a student hungry to learn to a mentor hungry to teach.

It is important to note that every knighthood is different. The requirements for you Mr/Ms “Reputable but long” will probably be different from the next adventurer. So understanding what you are getting into is of the utmost importance. You want to make sure you commit to something you see yourself being in the long haul for.

Some knighthoods produce knights; some do not, some Squireships or apprenticeships lead to titles some lead to self-discovery and growth but  before undertaking this very challenging task you should look at you knight and knighthood and ask yourself two VERY important questions.
1.What does this individual (Your prospective Knight) have to teach me.

Now this is a big question.  It will help you decide what you can learn under this person for X amount of time.  Whether they can make you a better fighter, or better with divinatory spells, or maybe better at putting together gatherings such as feasts, tourneys and adventures. Whatever it is they offer it must be something you too are dedicated at least enough to take on such a personal and big task as being someone’s squire.

2.What do you wish to do for this knighthood?

This question may help you with your current predicament of feeling stuck. Think of goals you can accomplish in your knighthood. Can you help make their next gathering memorable? DO you have an idea to get a great public image of your Knighthood out there for the realms to see; is there someone else in your knighthood struggling with growth in an area you excel in or perhaps there is another knight in the order looking for help with a task. While the title of Knight  Sir or Dame is neat it should not be your only goal, you should want to make a splash with this knighthood and help it grow.

Now if the knighthood is important to you ask the other Knights of your order for a squirrely task. They will have a lot to teach you as well, perhaps in areas you may never even considered. This will go a long way to show both the Knights of your order you are committed even when you knight is not around plus more than likely it will get back to your knight and he/she will see that you are continuing to grow and hungry to learn.

Trying having an active relationship with your knight, this too may shake things back up. Contact them after each gathering and let them know what you did, saw, learned. Ask them if there is anything they need you to do at the next gathering, encourage them to go and show you a new thing or two.

Sadly however if at the end of the you are no longer growing and are feeling stifled sit down with your knighthood and knight and explain that to them.  Maybe that will be the rude awakening they need to step up and nurture your growth further, or maybe it will be the realization that this knight/squire pairing is not for the best and it may be time to part ways.

I would say always try to fulfill your commitments but if it turns out you are feeling stagnant and are yearning for more than it is time to have that talk with your knight and knighthood.

Who knows maybe someone else in that knightly order will try and pick up the pieces and get you back on track.
Remember” Never burn a bridge you never know when you are going to need to cross a river in a hurry because you are being chased by an angry mob.”

Hopefully this helps let me know if it doesn't.

Yours truly,
Sir Syruss O’Leary
Question Master extreme
Knight of the Potentium
Knight of the Blue Rose
Order Of the List