
Thursday, December 18, 2014

Belts of the Eternal Flame

Tucker "Sir Temorse" Noyes


Photo by Jesse Gifford

1.      What year were you awarded your white belt?
It was at North South War 2012

2.      Who administered "the punch" and, be honest, did it hurt?
Josh Learned/Sir Shandar was the one who threw the punch.  I think it likely would have hurt had I not been so stunned by the whole knighting.

3.      Whose belt did you wear until you got your own, and how was this significant for you?
I was given Kelly Bonci/Twenaria's belt.  Twen was my knight, mentor and friend for almost five years leading up to this point, so it wouldn't have made sense to go any other way.

4.      Please describe your own belt's heraldry.
It's already a bit worn, but I like to think that's because I put it to good use.  There are two main parts, the first being my personal heraldry for Temorse, who although I was not playing when knighted, will always be my Realms character in my mind.  Temorse's heraldry consists of a grey teardrop with two grey wind lines.  The second part are the three gold and black stripes.

5.      Why did you chose that heraldry to represent you?
The first one I chose as Temorse is the character I've played the most for the past ten years (when he wasn't dead), and who is most mirrored in my actual personality.  The second one is much more meaningful to me in that it represents what I believe to be my crowning achievement in the game, which is being a part of the founding of Ashenmark.  I've always thought that taking the lead on that endeavor was what earned me my belt and it also helps to remind me, not only of the continuing responsibility and obligation to the group, but also of how far we've come and all we've achieved.  

6.      Who did the artwork on your belt?
A friend from outside the game.

7.      What do you remember most about your knighting?
I remember who spoke, but not as much what they said.  As soon as the Baron started speaking it hit me that I was the person who was being talked about, so I was pretty shell shocked throughout the entire ordeal.

8.      What does being a KoEF mean to you?
To me, being a knight in the game is both an honor and a responsibility to uphold the values of the knighthood, but also the integrity of the community,  Being a Knight of the Eternal Flame specifically is recognition for service to the community and game that you have made, and that the other knights entrust you to continue that service.

Photo by Robyn C. Nielsen