
Wednesday, December 24, 2014

What You Missed- The Gift Swap at Cecil's Uncle's Crazy Tavern (Part 3- Because It Comes After What Would Have Been Part 2 but Part 2 was Part Syruss)

Photo by Jesse Gifford
"You folks already got a glimpse of my gift swap experience from Sir Mestoph in the first article, but allow me to elaborate. When I was first handed a mysterious duct-taped vessel, I instinctively knew it had to be a jar of my most beloved hazelnut spread. As I peeled off the tape, my suspicions were confirmed; however, something seemed off. There was an odd orange color peeking through the side of the jar, and when I opened the lid, I was greeted with a Nutella-Cheez Whiz concoction only a sadistic monster could possibly conceive of. (I'll admit, though, I did try a little of it...)

After the brief moment of shock, Sir Mestoph handed me my real swap gift (with the evil glee still evident in his eyes). I look forward to the swap every year, and this year Mestoph went above and beyond my expectations. I received what I can only describe as a pile of Nutella croissant: crescent roll dough filled with the Nutella from the gag gift, topped with cinnamon and sugar. I would have been happy with that alone, but I also received a whole other jar of Nutella (sans Cheez Whiz), a block of delicious fancy truffle cheese, a miniature of my favorite webcomic character, and a wonderful fuzzy mantle that is so comfortable I took a nap in it the following day.

Mestoph sure set the bar high for next year, so whoever gets me better be prepared!"
- Kyntela (Alysha Metcalf

Photo by Casey Lemay
So this is my fourth year doing the santa swap at UCCT.  I always have fun with it and try to make the person's day with the stuff I choose to make them. This year I made bracers for Alex Newbold

(Sir Lucas).

Photo by Casey Lemay
I am ectatic about what I got! Ymmit had me in the swap and she was the first person to make me something. I dont know about you but something about hand crafted items really make them like ten times better no matter what it is.  She made me a box with a switch to push that did nothing but flick the switch back. I have no idea why it is as amusing as it is but it is. It's even in my Nations colors (yes I'm in one of those now!!!) and my guild's symbol is on it.  She also included a wooden dragon toy because she remember when i wanted a dragon duck from a auction at a previous event and a stein.  I was supper happy with my gift and it provided entertainment for me and many other people. So thanks Yimmit I Love it!!!!- Karma (Casey Lemay)

So, the lady Twenaria paired me up with a new adventurer named Misty. I had no idea what she looked like, but thankfully her requests were straight forward.  I had a red scarf all set for her, Laurante donated a black cloak with Celtic lining to me for her, and I called in my favor with Mihkail for purple-shafted and red & black fletched arrows.

All in all, my main worry is that she wouldn't appear, as that as happened in the past.  But, at some point during the night, she did, and was able to pin me down (not literally) on the stage.  She was almost in tears and gushing about how, as a new person, she definitely did not expect this much, if anything at all, and was very, very, grateful.

She was beautiful.

Anyway, what cheered me from the inside was the genuine thankfulness of the receiver.  I've done gift swaps since Twenaria has opened them up, and I can never truly remember if anyone has enjoyed their gift or not, so this memory will stay for quite a while.
- Iawen (Xaos) (Janna Oakfellow- Pushee)