
Friday, January 2, 2015

Double Feature- Order of the List Changes for 2015 & Blackwood Clontarf Casino Order of the List 2015 Wagering

The fifth season of the Order of the List is imminent, and the members have been busy working on possible solutions to issues we have seen arise over the last couple of seasons.  Below are our official rules changes for the 2015 season, followed by a short rationale:

Total Order of the List certified tournament events limited to (10) for the 2015 season.   

One major issues we witnessed especially last season was an abundance of fatigue and burnout from what turned out to be an especially relentless regular season.  There will be (8) events open to the Realms at large, with the final two being held by the members of the Order of the List.  If the members do not decide to use the final two slots they will become available on or before July 31st, 2015.  All slots will be first come, first served, but we are trying to limit each nation’s allotment to (1) per group.  For instance, if Feast of Grimloch and Tournaments of Grimloch are both on the calendar only a single event will count for the OOTL.  If there are special scenarios that require further consideration the OOTL will deliberate and make a judgement call.  The official address to submit event registrations is  We will make an announcement when the slots are filled.

Mandatory offseason running from two weeks before Invitational until Feast of Leviathan the following year.

There will be no OOTL certified events from the weekend two weeks before the Invitational until Feast of Leviation the following January. One factor that may have lead to fatigue and burnout last season was the lack of an offseason.  The following weekend after the Invitational was the beginning of the next season.  By enforcing an offseason we hope to give everyone a break after each challenging season.  This also provides an opportunity for Artisan’s Tiered Tournaments ( OOTL co-administered initiative with the Tournaments of the Void) to run without competition from the standard OOTL tournaments.

All supplies needed to run a tournament must be provided by the event staff in order to have Order of the List members help staff the event.

This specifically includes tournaments lists, notecards, and clipboards if necessary.  Another requirement is hydration/snacks available reasonably close to where the tournaments will be occurring.

Event Holders must supply at least two dedicated staff members (non-OOTL members) to the tournaments.

This serves two different purposes.  The first is to help train more marshals to run tournaments in the future to lessen the marshaling load of the members of the OOTL.  The second is to provide more opportunities for the other OOTL initiatives (The “Pit”, Marshaling seminars, etc.) to make appearances at events.

This is the first year we have experimented with major changes to the general OOTL tournament system, and we ask that everyone bear with us as we navigate through what will be a ground-breaking year.  For events that may not end up certified due to the event restrictions in the coming season, we recommend you still look into the other services that the OOTL offers (Marshaling training, Combat Training, and Artisan’s Tiered tournaments) that we would be more than happy to provide no matter the event. If there are further questions feel free to contact any member of the OOTL and we will respond as quickly as possible. We wish everyone good luck and great fights in this coming year of competition.

(Written by Christopher Marques on behalf of)
-The Order of the List

Blackwood Clontarf Casino Order of the List 2015 Wagering
The what and how

This year the Clontarf Casino is trying something new. We are accepting bets on Order of the list 2015. Get your bets in early as I will not be taking bets at the event.

The types of bets we are accepting are getting into the top 16, placement after cuts, (top 8, top 4, etc.). I will be taking bets on individuals to win certain events.” I bet that Phoenix will win the sword and marn”, (very good odds on that one…). I will also entertain any prop bets you want to discuss with me, my over/under on weapons breaking in 2014 was 4.

 I will not accept negative bets, i.e. “I bet that Eldridge does not make the top 16 this year”.  I will also not accept any bets on Myself, Sir Tao, (I have my own motivations).

All bets will be in 5 gold increments. They will be written as 5:5, a 5 gold bet will win you 5 gold for a total of 10 gold, 5:1 a 5 gold bet will win you 1 gold, or a 6 gold payoff, 5:15 a 5 gold bet will win you 15 for a 20 gold payoff.

The why.

I like to make gold. It goes with, I like to spend gold.

I have made some of these bets with a few people in private in past years and I thought I might open it up.

Betting is fun. Two people with a different idea of an outcome can decide what they think there opinion is worth.

Motivation. Many of the bets I have received so far have been about motivation. Either Self-motivation, ”I bet lots of gold on myself and this will give me the kick I need to get to practices”. Or coach motivation”, I bet gold on you to make top 16, now get out there and hit the events to make points” . Either way it becomes a reason to become a better fighter, to train with different weapons, to hit events that you might not have normally.

and the who

so far only one person has bet on themselves 5:14. (a very large bet, see my bit about motivation)
All bets have been for even odds or better, so far no one has bet on what I would consider a favorite.

Without giving names, I have taken in over 2000 gold so far. The best odds I have given were 5:15, the worst was 5:5. not a single bet has been made on anyone that was in the top 16 in 2014.

So I will see you at practices, I will see you at tournament events, and hopefully I will see you as part of a group of 15 other people who will be in a small room waiting for our names to be called in November.

Sir Tao Ya Kang
Knight Commander of the Knights of Blackwood
Knight of the Eternal Flame
Lord of Clontarf Provence or Blackwood
OOTL top 16 2013
Other stuff