
Thursday, January 15, 2015

My Experiences As A Squire- By James "Tao" Murphy

I have been a squire 3 times. The first was in 1986. I did not get much out of this as the person I was squired to treated me more like a servant. I unloaded cars, er, carriages, carried spare weapons, and generally waited on Brother Bill hand and foot. I always said to myself that if I ever had a squire, I would not behave this way. In Bill's defense, this was how all "pudgles" (pronounced  puj-all) were treated. the game was young and so were we.  I was never knighted; I was never ready. Mid-realm no longer was the center of my adventuring. I went away and joined the military and by the time I came back adventuring had changed.

Both the game and I had changed. Several years later, I decided it was time to try this squiring thing again. Sir Dark declared himself Lord of Blackwood, and I squired to him. It lasted 48 hours, (Dark was a quitter). However, I was squired to all the Knights not just Sir Dark. I was then assigned to Sir Gilliam.  Under him I learned about what is expected to be a Knight of Blackwood. He assigned me certain tasks and skills learning. We discussed that some of the skills I already had. (I can work leather, just don't like to), I can build weapons, just not really, really good ones (still make a pretty good golf tube arrow if I do say so myself). I can EH, MM, or NPC an event as needed.  What he really needed to see from me was leadership skills. I was not used to, or comfortable with, giving orders. But when K was taken by the demon and Nos by the other, I found my reason to step up. I was Knighted the following spring.

A few years later, I thought it was time to "get another belt". I wanted to continue to grow in the game. I looked at what Knighthoods were available, and which would be a good fit. In the end, I chose the knighthood by the knight I could squire to: Sir Callin of Folkestone. I had thought of squiring to him years ago, but did not think he would take a squire.  Dame Phoenix proved my opinion wrong. I approached him and asked to be considered to be a squire to the Knights of the Crown. We went back and forth on a few issues when he questioned my loyalty when it came to Blackwood. As much as I wanted this squireship, I did let him know that Blackwood was my home, my heart, and my honor. It would win in any contest of loyalty.

 He took me on anyway and immediately gave me tasks; tasks I have and will steal for my own squire and. tasks that made me into a better fighter, (something I was striving for in 2013 when I was going for OOTL). He had me build him a weapon, one I had never built before.  First one for me, and then one for him.  After I had built both of them, I rebuilt the first one better. He had me record observations and report them to him, (writing in books in the rain does not work). He had me read a particular book on martial arts. A book that is small and yet has a lot to say.

When I was Knighted as a Knight of the Eternal Flame, Sir Callin let me know my squireship to him was over. I regret not becoming a Knight of the Crown, But I would not trade it for the Eternal Flame.

From my first experience, I learned what not to do. From my second, I learned how to lead. From my third, I learned how to teach. To be what I think a Knight should be. None of them more important than another.