
Tuesday, January 20, 2015

What you Missed at: LEVIATHAN by Tuilli (and Dresden) MacAengus

Food!  Games!  Performances by awesome bards (we might be slightly biased)!  More Food!  The occasional stabbing!

This years Leviathan was a fun one, between the newly opened Gilded Lion Carnival and the Feastocrats outdoing themselves yet again with a top notch menu.  Topping this year’s list for me was the cheddar tomato bread dip and the seafood cakes.  Dresden’s favorite was the ham with mac’n’cheese.   We can’t wait for the recipes to be shared in the view in the near future.  The Carnival was lots of fun to start with, with the added bonus of a raffle (not an auction Sir Aeston…) for bags of gold (always a good motivation for having fun)  The tourneys were entertaining; I am glad that this year was not covered in mud, just covered in delightful patches of sheer ice for Rubis and Guilliam to skid off the playing field on.

The Bardic Competition went well, including the smallest Bard of the Realms, my own Dresden, taking the stage for a rendition of the Rains of Castamere.  Not that I am biased, but I think that deserved a mention.

As for the talky bits (all this talk about belts and not about fighting, I don’t understand) it broke down as follows:

Gwen of Rhiassa was belted as a knight of Rhiassa after being ceremoniously beheaded by Sir Aeston then resurrected.  Immediately following that, the Knights of the Eternal Flame were called up to laud the now Sir Gwen’s many talents and her dedication from day one of her entry into the Realms.  Kyntela of Rhiassa spoke of Gwen’s first events as a budding feastocrat (everyone cried, even Syruss).  Kira of Grimloch recalled Gwen’s dedication to helping all nations run their events, specifically her assistance with Grimloch questing.  She was “belted” as a knight of the Eternal Flame by Sir Aeston.  Her “punch” was administered by Nighthawk (what can I say, Kira’s inducting punch into the Eternal Flame from Shandar set a standard by which others are judged).

Thon of the Iron Kingdom took the front stage, putting many at unease as he began his speech not only in the middle of a magical circle of some sort, but speaking of “losing” all of the people in the room and of The Dark One.  As weapons were drawn around the room (after there had already been an appearance of some avatar of the Dark One at the feast), he went on to explain that he had discovered the Dark One was not as prophesied or represented by his followers.  Thon claims that there is no One that all are unified back to, only a hungry beast which strips the souls apart that are sacrificed to it.  Once he stepped out of his circle, the magical cost of his discovery was to forget all the people he knew.  Some people tried to convince him that he owed them money.

Following this revelation, Slade, Grebinar and Syruss and Razmith of the Order of the Potentium came forward to announce that Nymbous of Neden has been inducted into their order through his own personal trials within the order.

Next, the order of the Peacock came forward to induct Karhma Celestine of Neden into their order, as well as pass their judgement on the state of garb in attendance.  They gave praise to Aryss of the Northern Alliance, all of Mayerling and others as well as all the people who assist in equipping new arrivals to the Realms in at least some clothing (lest they run about without pants).

The newly formed Guild of Honorable Service was announced to pay respect to the members of the Realms who have served in the real Military.  They can be recognized by the black belt favor bearing a white star and cavalry swords crossed.  The branch of military the bearer served in is stamped into the favor as well.

The Guild of the Sable Dragon presented their newest project which aims to clad new arrivals to the Realms in armor and put a call out for any and all old armor that could be donated (even if it is in “less than fresh” condition) as it can be repaired and used by those in need.

A person who I did not recognize (and who did not say his own name for the benefit of those who did not know him) resigned from the service of Sir Oliver.  He said it was part of a contract with Goddess Eris.

The Gamblers Guild rolled up and inducted Sir Aeston into their ranks.  Sir Shean presented Aeston with the trappings of their order.

King Cecil called Sir Wil Craven McKrye to be inducted into the Knights of the Realms for his innumerable services to the Realms and it’s peoples, although Sir Wil did so quite reluctantly (and only after being pried from the kitchen where he was working diligently).  Many members spoke of Sir Wil’s many contributions to the Realms as a whole over the past couples of decades, and King Cecil administered a solid inducting punch which put Nighthawk’s to shame.

Sir Sir Gwen (double sir now, right?  That’s how it works?)  gave a belt and a pin to those who served 4 or more times on the Western Flank during this past year.  I won’t list them all as I would run out of ink and my hand is tired.

Sir Aeston presented the nation of Rhiassa with their new national anthem written and performed by Sir Makhta McKrye.

Finally, the View’s Dame Magus Phoenix took the stage with the View’s staff to give a brief presentation on the history of the View and presented the View Awards (which I am also not going to write out as they will be in the View, or have already been in the View by the time my messenger macaque arrives to Phoenix).

All in all, a great event with amazing food, headed by outstanding staff.  Lots of fun.

As a side and more OOC personal note, I would like to thank Sir Sir Gwen (If she keeps this up she could rival Aeston for longest signature line in no time).  Each time I have gone to a feast that she heads, she is the most careful when it comes to dietary restrictions of anyone I have met in the Realms. She makes sure that those with allergies are aware and is quick to answer with any questions regarding the dishes and their contents.