
Thursday, February 5, 2015

Belts of the Eternal Flame

Ray "Sir Radstar" McGuirk

Photo by Jesse Gifford

1. What year were you awarded your white belt?
I got my belt in 2009.

2. Who administered "the punch" and-- be honest!!--did it hurt?
PJ was the one that punched me and yes it hurt, he dropped me.

3. Whose belt did you wear until you got your own, and how was this significant for you?
Well at first I was given Sir Kwartz's belt, but he needed it back so Sir Cecil then lent me his. Well with Kwartz it did mean a lot as he was one of my best friends until he moved, and with Cecil I was having a talk with him and Aston when I was knight-commander and he asked where my belt was, when I told him that I didn't have one, he took his off right away and gave it to me, until I got mine.

4. Please describe your own belt's heraldry.
With my belt's heraldry I put red stripes on it the way most KoEF have stripes on them, and because my mom got lung cancer and passed away from it, it helped me grow up a lot, plus I wanted to do something for all she did for me and how happy she always was for me, so I got a white ribbon on it which is for lung cancer with my mom's initials.

5. Why did you chose that heraldry to represent you?
I chose this as my heraldry because not only did I think it best fit me but without my mom's help and support I never would have gotten it.

6. Who did the artwork on your belt?
I had Casey Lemay (Karmha) do the artwork and she also re-whitened it for me.

7. What do you remember most about your knighting?
What I remember most about my knighting was first hearing Seth talking about me, then Jarrod, after that they called me up and I have never been hit that hard in my life, it knocked the wind out of me and knocked me down. I remember looking up and Jarrod was looking down saying "You have to go hug the line," and all I could think was "I can't get up!"

8. What does being a KoEF mean to you?
What does being a KoEF mean to me, well first off it made me realize that everything I was doing for the game -  helping out, NPC'ing, event-holding, marshalling - was nice but now I was going to have to pick it up even more. Like Jarrod said to me as he gave me my belt was "If you accept this you're taking a responsibility to the game and the players." As I was told when I was younger, the KoEF are always supposed to jump in to help anyway and to be willing to put down our PC's at a drop if an event-holder needs us to NPC or whatever,  just like the KoEF did for us when we were still younger. I also feel that a big part of what we do is interact with the players whether it's helping them learn how to fight, learn spells, play the game, or to just walk up and say hi and see how everyone is doing and if they're having fun, which is a big part of the game and what we do.

Photo by Jesse Gifford