
Friday, February 20, 2015

Fireside Chat with Phoenix Rose Nosetti

Phoenix Rose, often known as Phee, was kind enough to let me sit with her in her still growing library.  The room is large, and has many books, with room for many more.  The scent of paper, ink and something spicy fill the air in the room.  Cozy chairs fill cozy nooks, and are clearly made for reading in.  

I started the interview one of my favorite questions:

What pets do you have?
Well, as you may see, as they're everywhere, and if they count as pets, I have these strange little gryphons. Starmaw has one as a pet, though. I think you've met them before...they...not the brightest bird-things, but they're affectionate.

Where and how do you spend your time when you're not adventuring?
I'm here, at home in this library. The shelves are a bit spare still, but it's comfortable. I also like to go to the Tea Tree and visit there, or I'm at Fort Griffindor, or at the temple just a little past the fort. I mostly find little individual work for scribes, or reading. Though I do visit the temple to try my best as a high priestess.

Who are you the High Priestess of?
I'm the high priestess of Deidre, a goddess from another plane. I don't know of any other adventurers who follow her, but truth and balance are hard things to not appreciate. Especially for me

Tell us about your favorite feast dish.
Oh, Roandal en Fal! Food! I do love food of all sorts. I adore Chimeron beef, though. Harlest and I once got to share a whole big platter...though it was more of a fight than a share!
Photo: Jess Gifford

If you could be granted any wish, what would it be?
 A way to and from home freely. I miss it, but I have so many promises to keep here in the Realms. But I also want to share my home and culture with my friends here.

Where is home?
Home is Sheshawnii. It's a place of Elements and Balance, a peaceful place. I hail from Felnarri, the Realm of Fire. It's the seat of knowledge and learning, where the passions of education burn brightest. My family--not Nosetti, but Dawncry--are the ronadeer, the nobles that watch, guide, and rule over that realm. I can speak forever of my homelands. I miss them.

What was your most memorable questing moment?
Ooh. That one's tough. I'm going to have to go with the one that only Tara and Cuchullain saw. It was the night of our final fight against Mad Tom. It was also one of the few times I stepped away from carrying the Pillar that whole quest. I looked up to see His Majesty gesturing for people to follow him, and only Tara and I saw. We followed him, cutting off a small wave of Bois from jumping the back line of the group. Of course, he was invulnerable, and Tara activated her charged shield to allow herself a shorter span of invulnerability...which left me, the healer without ability to use magic at the moment. I hadn't charged any spells...
When there's two invulnerable fighters, and a healer with only a dagger and no magic, and I could hold off a couple of Bois by myself that way...well.
I do have to admit a small amount of pride in managing that one!

In your opinion, what would you describe to be the biggest threat to the world at large?
A very much in my opinion...The Strangers. We've seen them before, years ago. We've dealt with their plans, years ago...before I even came into this plane. But, being one of the people determined to stop them, and destroy them if I can...well.

Who are the Strangers?
The Strangers are...they want to be gods, they want to be more than gods. They want to destroy everything, and will stop only when they're done. And, unlike many threats, they are willing to play the long game, waiting until people no longer remember why they're dangerous or why they should be stopped. Planes have fallen to them before.
art by Caitlyn Christensen

What was your life like before you began adventuring?
Pretty....pretty messy. I mean, back home, In Felnarri, in was almost ideal. Warm breezes, good food, better books. Work I enjoy quite a lot...but things definitely got very worse before they got kind of better.
Are you married or courting and if so, to/with who?
Oh! I am courting. Well, being courted. And he does live here, with me. Tillion's...somewhere here.

Tell me more about Tillion, Im not sure I know him.

Tillion...well. Um. Oh, I really hope Hermian doesn't read this...Tillion is, no, was Hermian's doppelgänger. There's a long story there, others know it better than I do. But Till is so very different than him. He's sweet, and silly, and prefers to stay here rather than adventure any more. We met in 1010, in the fall, if I remember our first meeting right. It was during a quest in Folkestone. If only I had been a little more attentive, then. Heh. I was more of an idiot, then. But long story short, he stopped existing, Tria and I helped him start existing again, and...well. One thing led to another, I guess!

Thanks again to Phee for letting me spend time in her beautiful tower library.  Would you like to spend time with me, and let people get to know you?  Just let me know and Ill happily meet with you and we can have a Fireside Chat!