
Monday, February 23, 2015

Why I am in Neden by Casey "Karmha" Lemay

Photo by Matt Norris
I was an independent for ten years. I loved every minute of it, the making new friends on every adventure I went on and not having to listen to anyone. I pretty much did exactly as I pleased.  Of course I helped when I coul. I fixed people's magical items and weapons. Little things like supporting the newbie fighters can make it so you can be good friends with people in high places as time goes by.  Also healing the Healers makes it so they get you up more too  (remember to always thank them when raised).

But alas in times of war I found myself relocated and in the unknown lands of Independent Isle. It was time for me to find a home.  I wasn't sure where to turn because I guess the easiest way to say it is I never clicked with any of the nation leaders I know.  Not that I don't find some of them my closest friends in this Realm,  but you know what I am talking about when it just all clicks and you feel right at home.  Then one day Tallon of the infamous Neden came back.  Now the first I heard and saw him was when he returned to the realms at North Sout war. He was scalped by Folkestone on sight.  Radstar informed me on the play by play of it all for he jumped in it too.  It did peak my interest.  I had only heard the tales of Neden, was not there when they were originally around.

I love questing as anyone who knows me knows. I found myself running into Tallon a lot.  He and I were usually right up front ready to hit and find things.  I remember once at Grimloch a bunch of people were turning undead and going crazy.  I dropped the magic three foot I was borrowing from a friend, turned around to grab it, and looked up and saw an undead Tallon coming right at me.  Fear for my life was not there just the fear of loosing the borrowed magic sword because of the person coming at me. I kept running into him and he never did me any wrong, he even started making sure I got back up because I would help him out when he was stranded.

Photo by Jesse Gifford
Of course when Tallon tried to recruit me I was unsure. I didn't know Neden, but more of them started showing up and I started making new friends.  Rawlin, although he can be cranky without his naps, is an awesome Bard.  I found Cronin's assassin dagger at TOC for him, and became his favorite person that weekend.  I knew Booties and Blackie from when Syruss started up his Dark One church. I made them tabards.  Everyone brought something different to the table and it seemed like a place I could fit in nicely.  Then came a day iIneeded someone to have my back and Tallon was there without me even asking.  He showed me what a fair leader he was and that was the day I decided to become the first Lady of Neden.  When all the drama was said and done there was a serenading, a Siffy shuffle and I had a Tallon on his knees offering me a Neden tabard.  What girl wouldn't feel special after all of that?    

Neden has it's history.  Whether good or bad people assume the worst of them.  From what I of know of the NEW Neden, we are looking to be amusing if anything , but also one of the heavy hitters in this Realm.  Whether it be in questing, tournies or non coms we will give it our best and have fun doing it.  With the no jean initiative and constant IC atmosphere we bring to every event you'll sure enjoy having us around. We're a growing nation.