
Thursday, February 19, 2015

Why I joined Griffindor by Elyse "Indana" Covello

I spent the first three years of my Realms career as an independent. I was introduced to the realms via

WPI fight practice/SMAS. I was advised that I should take my time to decide what nation to petition, and I took the advice to heart. Swearing to a nation was a big deal to me. I wanted to be sure that when I eventually made my choice, it was one I would be happy with in the future.

Around my three year mark, I decided I wanted to petition Chimeron. I had gotten to know Chimeron fairly well, and they were a group that I wanted to be a part of. The biggest draw to me was the real sense of community.  The question then became, which sub-nation was I interested in? (For those that don’t know, Chimeron is made up of a handful of sub-nations, and while you can only swear to Chimeron, people are encouraged to pick a sub-nation to petition.) It was during this time that Tara Harkon/Hillary F. (who was in my newbie group at WPI and had already sworn to Chimeron) approached me.  She let me know that she was planning on refounding her brother’s household, Griffindor, and wanted to know if I would be interested in joining. The group she was planning included some of the people I most enjoyed playing the game with. And so, I ended up swearing to Griffindor under Chimeron.

Photo by Beth Tozier
One of the best analogies I’ve heard for Chimeron and it’s sub-nations is that Chimeron is an extended family, with each sub-nation being a smaller nuclear family. People often also described the sub-nations of Chimeron as each having specific niche’s. Griffindor’s niche, for me at least, has always been that we are a family. We are a group of people who said to each other, “You know what, I like spending time with you.  You’re my family now”. That being said, are Statement of Purpose is, To defend the innocent. To look after and provide for those who do not have a lord to do so for them. To defend the Realms at large, through action and example. To defend Chimeron, its land, its people and all it stands for

Photo by Jesse Gifford
Because Griffindor was not founded to draw a specific type of person, we tend to be a more diverse group than some of the other sub-nations of Chimeron. This also tends to mean that we are very bad at all staying in the same place during events. Many a time we have attempted to go forth as a questing party, only to be split by each person going off to do the thing that they do best. If there was one thing that I wanted to see improved, it would be our communication. That way, even if we all did go off and do our own things, we would at least all know what the others were up to.

As for Griffindor greatest strength, I would have to say its loyalty and bravery (wait, wrong Griffindor). In all seriousness we are a group of enthusiastic, driven, service oriented individuals (Feast of Griffindor, coming … eventually!). And, all things being said, what I get most out of being a member of Griffindor is a place to call home.