
Thursday, March 26, 2015

What You Missed - Northern Spring Tournaments

[Editor's note: all photos by Jesse Gifford]

This was a tournament event, as the name implies. Standard individual weapon-style tournaments were run including single short, sword and marn, sword and shield, and single combatant to name a few; as they were limited, each fight was fought best two out of three. The top four finishers were awarded Order of the List points unless, of course, a member of the Order of the List finished within the top four....which did happen on more than one occasion. There was also a bear pit running for most of the day, providing ample opportunities for both practice and general entertainment for those not actively fighting in a tournament. In addition,  combat training provided by members of the Order of the List was available for all who wished to learn new skills or sharpen existing ones.  

Syruss provides combat training to Akari

The top tournament winners:

Sword & Shield
Single Short
1. Rox
1. Dygen
1. Malaki
1. Grebinar
2. Slade
2. Syruss
2. Tir
2. Torolf
3. Temorse
3. Illy
3. Guilliam
3. Vuel
4. Syruss
4. Saegan
4. Illy
4. Dygen

Single Combatant
Sword & Marn
Sword & Dagger*

1. Grebinar
1. Slade
1. Temorse

2. Dygen
2. Nos
2. Dygen

3. Tao
3. Mestoph
3. Guilliam

4. Malaki
4. Tir
4. Tir

* single-elimination

Florentine tournament: Temorse v. Qwe

The interesting thing about the Northern Spring Tournaments was where they were held.  They were run primarily by Folkestone, a northern nation, but were held in a more southern location than one would usually expect.  Confused? Don't be! The reason for this was quite simple, and also quite admirable. Since many newer adventurers to our Realms tend to come through the Chimeron militia, the tournaments were held in a more southern location in order to encourage more widespread participation of these newer adventurers in tournaments such as these. The intent was two-fold as well; since the tournaments were run for Order of the List points, newer adventurers were also able to gain exposure to the Order in addition to the chance to earn points early (so as not to be potentially shut out as the season goes on).  Younger players who entered all of the tournaments were also given a certificate for a new weapon courtesy of  Folkestone. 

Overall, this is what you missed - a fun day of fighting, a nice opportunity to see friends,  a good way to get newer adventurers involved, and a solid start to the new Order of the List season.  

Single short: Hunter v. Don

Sword and Shield: Kiira v. Akari

Sword and Marn: Aioffa v. Quayloth

Hand-and-a-Half: Taliea v. a disembodied hand