
Monday, March 2, 2015

Why I'm in Creathorne by Tara "Alexis Jade" Jackson

My character joined Creathorne after leaving Stonewood. She had been a ward of Elwin
O'Bearikin and decided that Stonewood just wasn't what she was looking for anymore. She had known Sir Shean O'Quinnlin for many years and had fought many times with Creathorne and knew they had the same values as she did. She petitioned and was voted in as a member of Creathorne.
Creathorne members are always willing to help another nation should the need arise. They vote on everything important and even if not all members are available at the time of the vote, they still get a say. Creathorne tries to forgive when they are wronged, but when wronged by the same people they go by the three strikes and your out rule. As everyone already knows, Creathorne members are not allowed to scalp, and scalping on Creathorne land is forbidden.
From what I have gathered in my time in Creathorne, is that they really just want what is best for the Realms. They care about every individual under their protection. And Gods forbid you wrong one member of Creathorne, you will have not just one member of Creathorne, but the entire country coming for you.