
Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Where are they now?- Jeff "Hibiki" Madison-Sweeney

Jeff “Hibiki” Madison-Sweeney was involved in realms between1995-2006. He was the Governor of Yoma (the chief rice producer of the Borderlands), at the time that the Borderlands was part of the Empire.

On an out of character level he mentions that he, “Co-ran 3 "Festival of Yoma" events, and survived the weather for all three (there was a legendary storm for at least one year of it), He adds, “I'd like to thank the whole event that huddled in the apartment attached to Andy's and left me out in the cold to freeze without inviting me inside while the ground was covered in frost for Yoma 2. I'm still not bitter.”

He also ran the "Race War" event, which got boycotted by about 3/4 of the eventing public (it was slated to pit humans vs. elves vs. any other races that showed up and was boycotted due to in character protests against racism.

Other things he wanted to share include, “I'd like to apologize to Bebin for hitting on her without knowing she had an assassination bounty on her by the Empire and she didn't know I was part of The Empire. I'd like to thank Folkstone for running my first event, "Death Bunnies II" for forging my character into the running screaming coward I was always known for.”
He currently lives in South Hadley Falls, Massachusetts and is single, childless, and dating with no luck (let me know if you’d like his contact information ;)) He works as a Comcast, Cable Technical Repair (“no I can't lower your bill, no I don't deal with internet”) and his out of character interests are Anime, conventions, miniature gaming, cosplay, comics, Chinese high school AU Dramatizations of “Romance of the Three Kingdoms”, role play games, Tumblr.... and general geekiness.
He says it is unlikely that he’ll be back to visit. “The game went from a fun to having to be a huge part of your life in order to play; not willing to let it consume me that much to be effective when there are other things I can get equal enjoyment from.”
In closing he said, “To all those nameless people who I did not know that I assassinated because of some minor or imagined slight, I am not sorry. To Goju, I hope one day you forgive us, and when you drink Blackberry Brandy you think of that night with fondness. To The Borderlands and The Empire, I'm sorry I let you all down”.