
Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Where Are They Now- Kevin "Kwartz" DeSousa

Kevin "Kwartz" DeSousa started his Realms career when he was 13 yrs old, joining the game with his neighbors Mike "Rowin" and "Steve" Shadow Hinkle.  Back at that time he said, "it was frowned upon to be that young and play but we stuck through it and I'm glad we did." He added,  "I would like to thank Bob Hinkle for taking us up to ALL the events every weekend."
He notes that having been young, "It was definetly a culture shock in the beginning, seeing all the colorful outfits and language.  I think once some of the older players realized we weren't going any where and appreciated the game, they opened up and took us in."

Kwartz is a member of Folkestone and served as it's War Marke. He won an insane amount of combat tournaments, NPC'd many memorable roles, and was recognized by his peers as a Knight of the Eternal Flame. Kevin was known by ALL, and loved by most.  Kevin was truly a total package, able to fight, role play, and do pretty much anything else he put his mind to with style and grace (his dance moves also added a lot to at a couple of Queen of Hearts bardics).

Kevin shared the following stories about his time in Realms:

    "My first event my characters name was "BLADE" until an intimadating individual came and told me I had (2) choices.  I can change my name or he would change it for me.  So I did what any 13 yr old would, pee'd myself and changed my name to Kwartz. So here's the story that few know on how my name was misspelled!  I actually wanted my name to be spelled Quartz (like we were ALL taught), I had Rowin sign me up for a 1/2 tourney, I ended up getting 3rd place and got my first ever certificate.  On my way home, I noticed that my name was spelled incorrectly and began to make fun of the event holder, thats when I noticed Rowin's face and realized he was the illiterate one.
    Meeting Blade (the second time) was when I can say my career took off.  I met him at one of the Nashua practices and we hit it off, till this day he is still one of my Best Friends.  He convinced me to petition Folkestone and I did, off the bat my MOUTH got me into a lot of trouble and was not a unanamous vote in but Blade and Stryker did A LOT of convincing and I was voted in.  I also looked up to Jarrod he was a great mentor and I always used to say that Jarrod was the good angel on my shoulder and Blade was the not so good angel.  Even though I have lost touch a bit with Jarrod, I hope he knows that he is one of the reasons I am who I am today.  Blade and Jarrod were great mentors and I looked up to them a great deal.  Thank You for all you 2 did for me!

    My fondest memory of the game was Creathorne during the "War Tourney" between the Borderlands and Folkestone.  I dont quite remember the numbers but we were outnumbered by quite a bit.  I remember winning and just hearing the crowd and the two teams shaking hands at the end."  

He currently lives in Colorado Springs Colorado. He moved the almost seven and a half years ago and works in the hospitality industry. He has been married since August 8, 2010  and has a wonderful 2 year old named Kamron as well as 2 dogs and a Red Footed Tortoise.  He said he and his family spend their free time camping and hiking, noting  "Colorado is such a beautiful state".  He also is a "big fan of going to the zoo".

In closing Kevin said, "Respect the game!  Realms has made me who I am today with out a doubt.  I have met all my friends through the realms and consider you all my FAMILY.  Not a day goes by that I don't think about the Realms and everyone I have met.   One day I hope to be back and make new memories."

Folkestone's collective fingers are crossed that you'll be seeing him on the field with us at Queen of Hearts XXII.