
Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Why I Want To Go: Tournaments of Creathorne 22

This weekend might be BBQ weekend for most people, a time to reflect on sacrifices made for others, or a weekend of going to Northern New Hampshire for four days of eventing for many in our community.
A lot can happen in four days.  Turns out, a lot will happen in four days.  I know most people hear about Creathorne and think about the partying, the dust and the not so available showers.  But the truth is, there is SO much more going on.
First of, this event is 22 this year.  22!  That gives the event holders a LOT of experience to draw from.  If you look at the event description, you can a very detailed schedule.  However, I am not here to copy and past event announcements, I am here to give the quick run down.
This weekend features classic tourneys, new tourneys, fighting tourneys, war tourneys, singing tourneys, cooking tourneys, and gaming tourneys.  Theres dinner, and breakfast (if you preregged)  Theres night quests, kids quests and nap quests(Im a big fan).  Theres fires, fire dancing, and belly dancing.  There will be old players, new players, and the in between.
Really, if you can make the trip up, you will see a pile of people who don't make all the events, make new friends, and have a good time.