
Wednesday, June 24, 2015

What You Missed - North/ South War 2015 (photos)

[Editor's note: all photos by View staff except those taken by Jesse Gifford, marked with an (*)]

On my honor, I shall give them as good of a fight as I can!

The fierce North*

The tenacious South*

Field Battle

Testing the ballista for the next tournament

Sir Wil stares down the North - "You shall not pass!"

Facing each other down across the bridge

In the thick of the 55-minute bridge battle*

"My pike's bigger than yours." "I don't know if those two inches will help you."

Castle siege and defense

There's more than one way to shoot an arrow*

We want YOU for the Northern Army!

Control point battle and a nice dip in the lake

Storming the beach*