
Thursday, July 2, 2015

What You Missed - Gilded Lion Summer Festival (photos)

[All photos by Jason Rosa except those marked with (*), by Jesse Gifford]

The pavilion in Southland, Rhiassa stands ready to welcome guests

The Jomsvikings, led by Ulric, appear in the Realms*

The challenge board *

Wedges compete for the favor of Tyr, god of war

A tasty lunch is served - four different varieties of wraps

Ullr's challenge begins under the watchful eye of the Jomsviking Ayze

An Invictus wedge works on a puzzle of Magni, god of strength

Azure Guard waters plants during the challenge of Freyr, goddess of fertility

Ashenmark matches wits with the Loki boxes

Throwing weighted balls during Magni's challenge

Composing a song on the Norlund dulcimer for Bragi, god of poetry & music

Folkestone art skills on display during Baldur's challenge

Working silently & diligently on Hoenir's challenge, god of creation & silence

Ezra meditates to learn the secret of the gate stones

The gate is complete, allowing the Jomsvikings to return to Norlund...for now