
Wednesday, July 29, 2015

WIWTG: Storytellers 10 and Tournaments of Chaos 10

Heres another "oh, Im so old" post.  Just kidding.  One decade is a long time to run an event.

illustration by B Gonzales
In its first inception, this event helped fledgling event holders get a stage to try their hand at sharing a vision.  Seasoned EHs could offer their help and guidance.  Seriously, very cool idea that helped
springboard some amazing tales.

This year is a Storytellers first.  Instead of just 3 few hour slots for story time, there is a whole weekend of mayhem.  Time travel, dreaming, gods, and the Adventurer's Guild all have ways you can be immersed.

But if stories are not your cup of tea, travel to the great North for another decade long event, Tournaments of Chaos.  Aside from Order of the List points, they advertise food, fighting, night quest, gambling, and laughter.  Everyone likes to laugh!